Creating and Managing WorkCenter Dashboards

This section discusses how to:

  • Manage WorkCenter dashboards

  • Create WorkCenter dashboards

  • Configure the layout of WorkCenter dashboards

  • Select a WorkCenter dashboard as a starting page

Access the Manage WorkCenter Dashboard Pages page. (Select PeopleTools > Portal > WorkCenters > Manage WorkCenter Dashboards.)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage WorkCenter Dashboard Pages page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Manage WorkCenter Dashboard Pages page

Field or Control


Dashboard Page

Displays the content reference name as an active link. Click to access the content reference and view the WorkCenter dashboard page.


Click the Pagelets button to configure the layout of the dashboard. See Configuring the Layout of WorkCenter Dashboards.


Click the Properties button to administer the properties for the dashboard page. See Creating WorkCenter Dashboards.


Click the Delete button to delete the dashboard page.

Create new WorkCenter dashboard page

Click the link to create a new WorkCenter dashboard. See Creating WorkCenter Dashboards.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Dashboard Page Administration page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Dashboard Page Administration page

Field or Control


Portal Name

Displays the portal in which the content reference is registered.

Dashboard Name

Enter the name for the new WorkCenter dashboard page.

Dashboard Label

Enter the menu item title for the WorkCenter dashboard as it will appear in the portal menu and breadcrumbs.

Long Description

Enter a description for the WorkCenter dashboard page.

Note: This value also appears in tool tip text.


Enter a keyword or keyword phrase to be stored as a content reference attribute.

Note: Two content reference attributes are created: KEYWORD (to store the keywords in the base language) and KEYWORD_LNG (to store the keywords in the current session language).

See Defining Content References for more information on content reference attributes.

Owner ID

Select the object owner ID.

Dashboard Page Link

Field or Control


Parent Folder

Specify the parent folder for the menu item representing the WorkCenter dashboard.

Node Name

Specify the portal host node for the WorkCenter dashboard.

Sequence number

Specify a sequence number for this menu item within its parent folder.


The Security group box displays the selected security settings for this content reference.

Field or Control


Security Type

Select one of the following security types:

  • Public – Select this option to allow all users access to the content reference for this WorkCenter dashboard.

  • Select Security Access – Select this option to specify which permission lists have access to the content reference for this WorkCenter.

Selected Security

Select which permission lists have access to the content reference for this WorkCenter dashboard.

To specify the layout of WorkCenter dashboards:

  1. On the Manage WorkCenter Dashboard Pages page, click the Pagelets button for a WorkCenter dashboard.

  2. On the Tab Content page, select the pagelets that you want to appear on the WorkCenter dashboard. See Specifying the Pagelets or Tiles That Can Appear on a Dashboard.

  3. On the Tab Layout page, arrange the layout of the pagelets. See Arranging Pagelets on Classic Dashboards.

    Note: For WorkCenter dashboards, only the two-column layout is available.

When a WorkCenter dashboard page is created, it is effectively already the starting page for its own WorkCenter, although it cannot yet be managed on the Manage WorkCenter Pages page.

From the Manage WorkCenter Pages page, you can create a new WorkCenter and designate a WorkCenter dashboard as the starting page for its own WorkCenter. Additionally, you can designate a WorkCenter dashboard as the starting page for a different WorkCenter. See Selecting the WorkCenter Starting Page.