Creating Service Definitions for Event Mapping

To use an application class for event mapping, you must create a related content service definition based on the application class. Always use the Service Definitions page to create service definitions for event mapping.

Note: While you can still create generic application class service definitions using the Define Related Content Service page, additional options—for example, valid from and to dates—are presented there that are ignored when the service definition is used for event mapping. However, you can use the Define Related Content Service page to add a specific service definition to an ADS project. See Define Related Content Service Page for more information.


  1. PeopleTools > Portal > Event Mapping > Event Mapping Configuration.

  2. Select the Event Mapping Services link in the left panel.

Use the Service Definitions page to create a simple service definitions based on an application class.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Service Definitions page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Service Definitions page

Field or Control


Service ID

Enter a unique identifier for the service definition.

Service Name

Enter a short name for the service, which will be also be displayed as search criteria when selecting service definitions for event mapping.


Enter a description for the related content service.

Root Package ID

Select or enter the name of the application class package that you want to use to define the related content service.


Select or enter the names of each subpackage in the application class hierarchy that define the location of the application class that defines the service. Separate subpackage names by a colon. If the class is defined in the top-level application package, enter or select the colon.

Application Class ID

Select or enter the name of the application class that defines the related content service.

Note: The application class must implement the PT_RCF:ServiceInterface base class.