Understanding Component Real Time Search

Fluid components should have the real-time search configured using Pivot Grid. To configure, application developer can use Pivot Grid Wizard to define Pivot Grid models by selecting component data source. The wizard creates a query behind the scenes with the same name of the component and associates it with the model. This query is based only on the search record of the component. The keys of the search record become the prompts for the model.

Note that:

  • The component data source models are always set to Chart Only view.

  • Only one Pivot Grid model can be associated to the component.

  • Within a database, you’ll not be able to copy the component data source models using Pivot Grid Administration, but you can copy a fluid component along with the associated Pivot Grid model between databases.

    See Copying the Fluid Component Between Databases.

    Only default view for the Pivot Grid model is associated to the component. Additional non-default views for the component model have no effect on the component search page.

  • Component developers should create additional joins to the query so that component search using the Pivot Grid model return better results. For example, the developer can add more facts and filter dimensions to the query and use it in the model.

  • Additional custom security-joins that are needed for the component should be performed on the auto-generated query. When the auto-generated query is modified, you must recreate the model using the Pivot Grid Wizard to include the newly joined fields.

Component developers should set the Fluid properties before they register the component.

This example shows the Component Properties dialog box, where component developers can set the component properties to use in Pivot Grid.

Component Properties dialog box

See Setting Component Properties for Fluid Components.

These are the security settings for real time component search:

  • When users – including the Pivot Grid administrators – access a component that they are not granted permission, an error message appears.

  • When users create a component data source Pivot Grid model in Pivot Grid Wizard using a component that they do not have the permission to access, an error message appears.

    Note that Pivot Grid Administrators can create the Pivot Grid model for any component.

  • The values of the Query Access Tree and Access Group fields in the Pivot Grid Wizard - Select Data Source page are applied for each permission that is associated to the component when the component data source model is created. These settings ensure the query executes successfully when authorized users access the component.

  • If a new permission is added to a component, the query access tree and access group must also be added to the permission. Otherwise, any user who has the access only to the newly added permission cannot view the search results.

  • When you create a Pivot Grid model using a component as the data source, clicking the Apply button in the Pivot Grid Wizard - Select Data Source page automatically generates a query with the same name as the component, adds the search record to the selected Query Access Tree, and enables all authorized users for the component to access the Query Access Tree and the Search Record.

    If authorized users also have access to Query Manager, they may edit and run the auto-generated query and may view all rows of search results. To avoid exposing confidential data, you must ensure that sensitive columns are not included in the search record.

    In addition, deselecting columns in the Pivot Grid Wizard - Select Data Source page for a component data source model does not exclude those columns from the auto-generated query, and users can view that column data using Query Viewer and Query Manager. Therefore, you must not use deselecting columns in the Pivot Grid Wizard - Select Data Source page as a security measure for hiding sensitive data. Instead, you must remove columns that contain confidential data manually from the query and search record.

See the Copying the Fluid Component Between Databases section in Copying Pivot Grid Model.