Encrypting Text

To encrypt text, you submit text values in the form of arguments that PSCipher encrypts and then displays in its encrypted form.

To encrypt a password on Microsoft Windows, change to the directory where PSCipher resides. Enter the command and supply the text to be encrypted:

pscipher <clear_text_value>

To encrypt a password on UNIX, change to the directory where PSCipher resides. Enter the command and supply the text to be encrypted:

PSCipher.sh <clear_text_value>

PSCipher returns the encrypted form of these submitted text values, which you can then copy to a configuration file to assign to a configuration parameter.

Note: Due to the limitations of certain characters in command-line interfaces on different platforms, such as Microsoft Windows, Linux and so on, you may not be able to use these characters while running PSCipher for encryption. Therefore, you need to check the submitted text values for the character that is causing the incorrect encrypted result.

Note: This same procedure will need to be applied whenever you intend to encrypt text using PSCipher. Note that in the following sections of this document it is assumed that you understand how to encrypt the text value.