Pages Used to Manage System Personalizations and My Preferences

This table describes the pages used to manage system personalizations and the My Preferences page.





My Preferences – Structure and Content

PeopleTools > Portal > Structure and Content > Fluid Structure Content > My Preferences

Note: These actions pertain to creating custom My Preference items.

  • Create preference item labels.

  • Create the folder structure for preference items.

  • Define content references to preference pages.

The preference item label is the name that appears at the top of the My Preferences page when the preference item is selected.

When multiple preference items are defined, this is the label that appears in the left navigation panel on the My Preferences page.

You can create a nested folder structure for preferences, defining a label for each level in the structure.

You also must create content references to the pages that contain the options for users to set.

See Developing Custom Navigation Panel Items.


PeopleTools > Personalization > Personalization Categories

View or create option category names.

These are the drop-down categories that the end-user sees on the My Preferences – General Settings page.

A category is a holder of related preferences.

For example, in the default General Settings preferences delivered with PeopleTools, Regional Settings is a category that contains default personalization options such as calendar type, date format, time format, and so on.

See Working with System Personalization Categories.

Personalization Options

PeopleTools > Personalization > Define System Personalizations

View, define and manage the My Preferences options that users set.

Personalization options are the individual preferences that users set on the My Preferences – General Settings page.

When you define a personalization option, you define the category in which to place it.

For example, PeopleTools delivers Calendar, Date Format, and Local Time Zone personalization options. These personalization options are assigned to the Regional Settings category by default, and are grouped together on the My Preferences page.

See Working with System Personalization Options.

Category Groups

PeopleTools > Personalization > Personalization Groups

Create category groups for applying permission list access to personalization options.

The category groups that you define on this page appear on the Define Personalizations page.

On the Define Personalizations page you specify a category group for each preference.

As an example, the Calendar, Date Format, and Local Time Zone personalization options are defined in the PS Internet Architecture category group by default.

When you define permission list access to personalizations on the My Preferences – General Settings page, you do so by category group.

See Working with System Personalization Category Groups.