Renewing the Existing Cipher Text

To renew an existing Cipher text using PSCipher utility, use the PSCipher Java utility’s renew command.

On Microsoft Windows, change to the directory where PSCipher resides. Enter the command and supply the existing encrypted value:

pscipher -renew <existing-cipher-text>

On UNIX, change to the directory where PSCipher resides. Enter the command and supply the existing encrypted value: -renew <existing-cipher-text>

Existing encrypted values for the passwords in web server files can be replaced with the encrypted password created using PSCipher utility.

This table lists web server files and passwords to check.



Example of Password Text


  • ig.isc.NODE_NAME.password={V2.2}XXXXXX

  • ig.isc.NODE_NAME.DomainConnectionPwd={V2.2}XXXXXX

  • Others as needed.

    There are several sections including passwords. Be sure to update all that apply to your environment.




<PS_CFG_HOME>\webserv\<domain_name>\applications\peoplesoft\PORTAL.war\ WEB-INF\psftdocs\<site_name>

  • KeyStorePwd={V2.2}XXXXXX

  • DomainConnectionPwd={V2.2}XXXXXX

  • WebUserId={V2.2}XXXXXX

  • WebPassword={V2.2}XXXXXX

A new key of version {V2.2} is generated successfully.