Configuring PeopleCode Trace

Select PeopleTools > Utilities > Debug > Set PeopleCode Trace Options to access the Trace PeopleCode page.

You use this page to change the PeopleCode tracing options while online. Use Trace PeopleCode to create a file displaying information about PeopleCode programs processed from the time that you start the trace. This page does not affect trace options that are set in PeopleSoft Configuration Manager.

You can also access the PeopleCode trace settings (with slightly different labels) when you sign in to the PeopleSoft application in a browser, by selecting the Set Trace Flag link below the Sign In button. You enable the Set Trace Flag link to appear on the sign-in page, by accessing the Debugging tab of the Web Profile Configuration page for your web profile.

Field or Control


Trace Evaluator Instructions

Select to show a line-by-line trace of the program

List Evaluator Program

Select to show the code of the PeopleCode program.

Show Assignments to Variables

Select to show variable assignments.

Show Fetched Values

Select to show values that are from PeopleCode Fetch call.

Show Stack

Select to display the PeopleCode evaluator's stack after each PeopleCode (internal) instruction.

Trace Start of Programs

Select to show the starting and ending points of the program.

Trace External Function Calls

Select to show calls to application written functions.

Trace Internal Function Calls

Select to show the calls to PeopleTools built-in function calls.

Show Parameter Values

Select to show function parameter values.

Show Return Parameter Values

Select to show function return parameter values.

Show Each

Select to trace each statement in the program.

Suppress Logs in Loop

Select to suppress the trace logs when the trace program involves a large number of for, repeat, or while loops. The trace will print the PeopleCode executed during just the first pass.

Note that if the for, repeat, or while loop contains any branching statements (that is, if/else or evaluate/when) which evaluate differently between the first pass and subsequent passes, only the PeopleCode executed in the first pass will be reflected in the trace logs. For that reason it is not recommended to use this flag when debugging for, repeat, and while loops that contain branching statements.

Note: You see this option only when you sign in to the PeopleSoft application in a browser. It is not available from the Trace PeopleCode page, or on the Configuration Manager Trace page.

Note: The Trace PeopleCode utility decreases system performance because of the overhead that occurs during the monitoring and recording of all PeopleCode actions.

The check boxes on this page correspond to the options on the Trace tab in Configuration Manager. However, the selections that appear on this page do not necessarily reflect those that are made in Configuration Manager. While the Configuration Manager settings are stored in the Windows registry and used at each sign in, the settings in the Utilities page only apply to the current online session, and, once set, they override the Configuration Manager's settings.

The benefit of using this page to control PeopleCode tracing is that you can turn it on and off without having to restart PeopleTools, and without resetting the Configuration Manager settings. Keep in mind, though, your selections are not enabled until you save the page.

To enable/disable PeopleCode tracing while online:

  1. Select PeopleTools > Utilities > Debug > Set PeopleCode Trace Options.

    The Trace PeopleCode page appears.

  2. Select or deselect the desired Options.

  3. Save the page.

    If you selected any of the check boxes, the system starts writing to the trace file.

Prior to this release, PeopleCode trace files displayed the value of any record field including passwords, sensitive data, or personally identifiable (PII) data through PeopleCode operations, such as variable assignments, function parameters and other operations. From this release, PeopleTools enables you to prevent displaying passwords and sensitive or PII data in PeopleCode trace files.

Applications use the Data Privacy Framework to identify and mark applications-owned record fields as sensitive or PII data. For a description on using data privacy framework, see "Understanding Data Privacy" in PeopleSoft HCM Enterprise Components online help.

PeopleTools does not have access to the Data Privacy Framework provided by applications. Therefore, for PeopleTools-owned record fields, PeopleTools provides the Do Not Trace Value check box on the Record Field Properties dialog in Application Designer. Select this check box to identify and ensure proper masking of passwords and any potential sensitive or PII record fields owned by PeopleTools. However, Oracle recommends that application developers and customers mainly use the Data Privacy Framework and use the Do Not Trace Value check box in rare situations.

See Setting Record Field Use Properties.

When you select the Do Not Trace Value check box for a record field or identify a record field as sensitive or PII through Data Privacy Framework, the value of the record field is masked with a single asterisk (*) on the PeopleCode trace file.

To unmask the values of a PeopleTools-owned record field, deselect the Do Not Trace Value check box. To unmask application-owned record fields, refer to the documentation on Data Privacy Framework.