Jolt Listener Options

Use this section to configure PeopleSoft Internet Architecture connections. The Jolt listener enables Tuxedo to exchange messages with the web server.

See the equivalent parameter for the workstation listener.

Enter the port number that is used for the Jolt server listener (JSL). This value can be any port number that is not already in use by another service on the machine that runs the application server domain. By default, the JSL port is enabled.

Enter a 4-digit SSL port number to assign to JSL. The default values are:

  • 9010 for a small application server domain template

  • 9012 for a medium application server domain template

  • 9025 for a large application server domain template

Use this option to specify the minimum level of encryption required for encrypting data messages between client workstations and the web server. Choose one of the following values, which indicate the encryption key length (in bits):

  • 0 — No encryption.

    Important! This is the default value. Incoming Jolt requests from the web server (portal, PIA, and Integration Broker) are not encrypted.

  • 40 — 40-bit encryption.

  • 128 — 128-bit encryption.

  • 256 — 256–bit encryption.

Use this option to specify the maximum level of encryption allowed for encrypting data messages between client workstations and the web server. Choose one of the following values, which indicate the encryption key length (in bits):

  • 0 — No encryption.

  • 40 — 40–bit encryption.

  • 128 — 128–bit encryption.

  • 256 — 256–bit encryption.

    Important! The default value is 256.

Enter the number of Jolt server handlers (JSH) to be started at boot time. Each JSH multiplexes up to 50 connections.

Enter the maximum number of JSHs.

Note: JSHs spawn by using successive port numbers starting at the port number for the JSL in the PSAPPSRV.CFG file. Make sure that the additional ports are free before configuring spawning.

Enter the maximum number of client connections that each JSH can manage.

Enter the amount of time, in minutes, that a client connection can remain idle (no work requested) before Tuxedo terminates the client connection. Client disconnects are transparent to a client, and a user just clicks the mouse to cause a reconnection. The default value for this setting is 10 minutes.

See the equivalent parameter for the workstation listener.

Enter one of these options to control the allowed connection modes from clients:

  • RETAINED: The network connection is retained for the full duration of a session.

  • RECONNECT: The client establishes and brings down a connection when an idle timeout is reached and reconnects for multiple requests within a session. The reconnection is transparent to the user.

  • ANY: (Default) The server allows client code to request either a RETAINED or RECONNECT type of connection for a session. Whereas, with the other two options, the server dictates from which type of client it accepts connections. This option translates to the -c Connection Mode parameter for the JSL section in the PSAPPSRV.UBB file.

Jolt compression can significantly improve performance. Jolt compression enables messages that are transmitted through a Jolt connection to be compressed as they flow over the network. You are likely to see the most significant performance improvements over a WAN.

For compression, the configuration files contain a default compression threshold. This default value should provide the best results for most situations. However, your application server administrator can adjust this value to suit your implementation.

The compression threshold indicates to the server how large a packet must be to require compressing. In other words, the value that you set is the minimum number of bytes that a single packet must be before the server compresses it.

Many of the XML messages being sent around the system are greater than 100,000 bytes. These messages contain HTML in compressed states, so it's generally not required that these messages be compressed. Because of this, the PeopleSoft default is set to 1,000,000 bytes.

Be careful when adjusting compression settings. If you set the threshold too high, then no packets will be large enough to be compressed. If you set the threshold too low, you may greatly reduce network traffic, but be aware that the server will have an increased workload from compressing numerous packets. Typically, you should decrease the threshold according to the bandwidth of the workstation hardware as described in the following paragraphs.

If you are handling only LAN connections, you may want to disable compression by setting the threshold to 99999999 so that only packets larger than 99,999,999 bytes are compressed. Of course, such a large value effectively disables compression so that no packets are compressed. This means no extra work for the server compressing packets.

Alternatively, if you have mostly low bandwidth, as in 56-kilobyte (KB) modem connections over a WAN, then you most likely want to compress the packets as much as possible. When decreasing the compression threshold, keep in mind that the law of diminishing returns applies. Setting the threshold much below 1000 puts an increasing load on the server, and this can nullify any performance increases that you may have gained from reduced network traffic.

After you finish all of the configuration sections, PSADMIN prompts you to configure Jolt (which is enabled by default).

If you are using the PeopleSoft Internet Architecture, you must have Jolt enabled for browser access.