Running Process Scheduler Steps

This section discusses how to:

  • determine when to run Process Scheduler steps.

  • prepare to run Process Scheduler steps.

  • work with Process Scheduler steps.

  • ensure Process Scheduler security authentication.

Running the ProcessScheduler step type is designed to improve performance and quicken completion times of long-running, data-intensive steps, that can be run in parallel in an application upgrade. In most cases, the steps that would require Process Scheduler processing are delivered in your upgrade template configured to run on a Process Scheduler server. However, if you are creating a custom template, decide that improved performance can be gained by running a step through Process Scheduler, as opposed to running through a remote agent, you can configure a process to be run by a ProcessScheduler step.

Before setting up an upgrade process to be run through Process Scheduler:

  • always consult your specific upgrade documentation for any recommendations, considerations, or restrictions.

  • make sure Process Scheduler is configured and defined within your upgrade environment.

Note: Refer to the PeopleSoft upgrade documentation for your upgrade path for additional information.

Before running an upgrade process though Process Scheduler, the following items need to addressed:


Documentation Reference

Set up Process Scheduler.

See Process Scheduler

Define Process Scheduler servers in your upgrade database.

See Specifying Database Process Scheduler Settings.

Include a ProcessScheduler step type in your upgrade template.

See Step Parameters.

This section discusses how to:

  • View Process Scheduler logs.

  • Restart Process Scheduler steps.

  • Cancel Process Scheduler steps.

Viewing Process Scheduler Logs

If in your upgrade environment you have configured Change Assistant to be able to access Process Scheduler logging information, you can view the Process Scheduler processing information from within Change Assistant just as you would for any other step (click on the step and select Edit, View Log).

The status returned by Change Assistant for the step matches the status returned by Process Scheduler itself. The log files generated by Process Scheduler are not parsed for warnings or errors. Therefore, even though Change Assistant may show a status of Complete for a Process Scheduler step type, you should review the generated log files for more details.

Restarting Process Scheduler Steps

If a Process Scheduler step has failed or has been stopped, you can restart the process by setting the step to Restart. This is most useful for restart-aware process definitions using Application Engine. When a step has been set to Restart, Change Assistant resubmits the process requests to Process Scheduler.

Canceling Process Scheduler Steps

While Change Assistant is executing the ProcessScheduler step, you can kill the step, by clicking on the step and selecting Run, Kill. This is equivalent to stopping or cancelling scheduled processes on the Process Scheduler. When you 'kill' the step, Change Assistant connects to the Process Scheduler, which issues "cancel" commands to the appropriate processes.

PeopleSoft Change Assistant uses the PROCESSREQUEST component interface object to submit jobs to run on the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler server. You must ensure the user submitting the process has the appropriate authentication set for the PROCESSREQUEST object in the database the process runs against. You must edit security permissions to run the PROCESSREQUEST object.

To set up PROCESSREQUEST component interface security:

  1. Log in to PeopleSoft through the browser.

  2. Select PeopleTools, Security, Permissions and Roles, Permission Lists.

  3. Select the permission list for which you want to set security. The Permission List component appears.

  4. Access the component interfaces page and select the PROCESSREQUEST component interface.

  5. Click Edit.

    The Component Interface Permissions page appears, showing all of the methods (both standard and user-defined) in the component interface and their method access.

  6. Set the access permission for each method.

    Select Full Access or No Access. You must grant full access to at least one method to make the component interface available for testing and other online use.

  7. Click OK, and then Save.