Creating Workflow Activity Guide Pages

This section provides an overview of workflow activity guide pages and discusses how to create workflow activity guide pages.

The pages that are accessible through workflow activity guides are standard PeopleSoft pages. However, for the page to appear in a workflow activity guide, it needs two elements that aren’t otherwise present:

  • Across the top, a bar displays an overview of all the steps in the activity. In addition to providing information about the activity, this bar provides navigational links to take the user to the pages that are associated with each step.

  • Back and Next buttons appear in the main transaction area. These buttons provide an alternate means of navigating from step to step.

Note: Even after you’ve added the two workflow activity guide elements to a page, you can continue to keep that page accessible through the regular PeopleSoft menu structure. The workflow activity guide elements aren’t visible when the page is accessed that way.

These modifications are visible only when you access the page in activity mode. If you use the PeopleSoft portal navigation, the workflow activity guide modifications are invisible. This enables you to use the same pages in workflow activity guides as you do throughout your PeopleSoft system.

To add a workflow activity guide to a page:

  1. Open the page in PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  2. Add the ACTIVITY_GUIDE_SBP subpage to the page.

    The PeopleSoft convention is to place the ACTIVITY_GUIDE_SBP subpage across the top of the page.

  3. Add the ACTIVITY_NEXT_SBP where you want the Back and Next buttons to appear.

    The PeopleSoft convention is to place the ACTIVITY_NEXT_SBP subpage in the lower, right-hand corner of the page.

  4. Save the page.

    The two subpages that you’ve added appear only when a user navigates to the page in workflow activity guide mode. If you navigate to the page in regular page mode, these sections are hidden, and the page looks like it did before the workflow activity guide subpages were added to the page.