8.2.3 データのクロス集計




これらのメソッドの引数の詳細は、help(oml.DataFrame.crosstab)またはhelp(oml.DataFrame.pivot_table)を呼び出すか、Oracle Machine Learning for Python APIリファレンスを参照してください。

例8-10 クロス集計およびピボット・テーブルの作成


import pandas as pd
import oml

x = pd.DataFrame({
     'GENDER': ['M', 'M', 'F', 'M', 'F', 'M', 'F', 'F', 
                None, 'F', 'M', 'F'],
     'HAND': ['L', 'R', 'R', 'L', 'R', None, 'L', 'R',
              'R', 'R', 'R', 'R'],
     'SPEED': [40.5, 30.4, 60.8, 51.2, 54, 29.3, 34.1, 
               39.6, 46.4, 12, 25.3, 37.5],
     'ACCURACY': [.92, .94, .87, .9, .85, .97, .96, .93,
                  .89, .84, .91, .95]
x = oml.push(x)

# Find the categories that the most entries belonged to.
x.crosstab('GENDER', 'HAND').sort_values('count', ascending=False)

# For each gender value and across all entries, find the ratio of entries
# with different hand values.
x.crosstab('GENDER', 'HAND', pivot = True, margins = True, normalize = 0)

# Find the mean speed across all gender and hand combinations.
x.pivot_table('GENDER', 'HAND', 'SPEED')

# Find the median accuracy and speed for every gender and hand combination.
x.pivot_table('GENDER', 'HAND', aggfunc = oml.DataFrame.median)

# Find the max and min speeds for every gender and hand combination and 
# across all combinations.
x.pivot_table('GENDER', 'HAND', 'SPEED', 
               aggfunc = [oml.DataFrame.max, oml.DataFrame.min],
               margins = True)


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import oml
>>> x = pd.DataFrame({
...       'GENDER': ['M', 'M', 'F', 'M', 'F', 'M', 'F', 'F',
...                  None, 'F', 'M', 'F'],
...       'HAND': ['L', 'R', 'R', 'L', 'R', None, 'L', 'R',
...                'R', 'R', 'R', 'R'],
...       'SPEED': [40.5, 30.4, 60.8, 51.2, 54, 29.3, 34.1,
...                 39.6, 46.4, 12, 25.3, 37.5],
...       'ACCURACY': [.92, .94, .87, .9, .85, .97, .96, .93,
...                    .89, .84, .91, .95]
...     })
>>> x = oml.push(x)
>>> # Find the categories that the most entries belonged to.
... x.crosstab('GENDER', 'HAND').sort_values('count', ascending=False)
  GENDER  HAND  count
0      F     R      5
1      M     L      2
2      M     R      2
3      M  None      1
4      F     L      1
5   None     R      1
>>> # For each gender value and across all entries, find the ratio of entries
... # with different hand values.
... x.crosstab('GENDER', 'HAND', pivot = True, margins = True, normalize = 0)
  GENDER  count_(L)  count_(R)  count_(None)
0   None   0.000000   1.000000      0.000000
1      F   0.166667   0.833333      0.000000
2      M   0.400000   0.400000      0.200000
3    All   0.250000   0.666667      0.083333
>>> # Find the mean speed across all gender and hand combinations.
... x.pivot_table('GENDER', 'HAND', 'SPEED')
  GENDER  mean(SPEED)_(L)  mean(SPEED)_(R)  mean(SPEED)_(None)
0   None              NaN            46.40                 NaN
1      F            34.10            40.78                 NaN
2      M            45.85            27.85                29.3
>>> # Find the median accuracy and speed for every gender and hand combination.
... x.pivot_table('GENDER', 'HAND', aggfunc = oml.DataFrame.median)
  GENDER  median(ACCURACY)_(L)  median(ACCURACY)_(R)  median(ACCURACY)_(None)  \
0   None                   NaN                 0.890                      NaN   
1      F                  0.96                 0.870                      NaN   
2      M                  0.91                 0.925                     0.97   

   median(SPEED)_(L)  median(SPEED)_(R)  median(SPEED)_(None)  
0                NaN              46.40                   NaN  
1              34.10              39.60                   NaN  
2              45.85              27.85                  29.3  
>>> # Find the max and min speeds for every gender and hand combination and 
... # across all combinations.
... x.pivot_table('GENDER', 'HAND', 'SPEED',
...                aggfunc = [oml.DataFrame.max, oml.DataFrame.min],
...                margins = True)
  GENDER  max(SPEED)_(L)  max(SPEED)_(R)  max(SPEED)_(None)  max(SPEED)_(All)  \
0   None             NaN            46.4                NaN              46.4   
1      F            34.1            60.8                NaN              60.8   
2      M            51.2            30.4               29.3              51.2   
3    All            51.2            60.8               29.3              60.8   

   min(SPEED)_(L)  min(SPEED)_(R)  min(SPEED)_(None)  min(SPEED)_(All)  
0             NaN            46.4                NaN              46.4  
1            34.1            12.0                NaN              12.0  
2            40.5            25.3               29.3              25.3  
3            34.1            12.0               29.3              12.0