Understanding the Application Services Framework

The Application Service Framework is used to create and maintain REST web services as Open API services. The Application Services Designer simplifies the process of maintaining REST services and enforces naming standards.

The Application Services Framework only supports Provider REST web services.

Note: Chatbot services created in PeopleTools release prior to 8.59 will require conversion. See Converting Chatbot Services.

Application Services must adhere to generic naming standards. The generic naming standards applies to resource names, property names and so forth as well as REST Service URIs (Service URL ID).

General Naming Standards:

  • Names must be semantically precise and reflect their content without ambiguous or unnecessary qualifiers.

  • Names should be camel case, no hyphens, no underscores, no numbers unless it is semantically meaningful.

Root Resource names:

  • Follow the general naming standard.

  • Start with lower case letter, such as orders.

  • It is desirable to use all lower case letters for consistency.

  • No two resources can have the same resource name, ignoring case difference.

Field Naming Standards:

  • Field names must follow the general naming standard. Field names should start with a lower case letter.

  • The primary identifier field should have "Id" name suffix (or just “id” if desirable).

  • Recommendation: A field that takes a Boolean value should have "Flag" as a suffix in the name.

  • Recommendation: A field that indicates a user should use "By" as a suffix, such as lastUpdatedBy.