PeopleCode Built-in Functions and Language Constructs: T

The PeopleCode built-In functions and language constructs beginning with the letter T are listed in alphabetical order within this topic.




Use the Tan function to calculate the tangent of the given angle (opposite / adjacent).





A value in radians.

Note: In theory, values of angle such that angle mod pi = pi/2 are not valid for this function, because inputs approaching such values produce results that tend toward infinity. In practice, however, no computer system can represent such values exactly. Thus, for example, the statement Tan(Radians(90)) produces a number close to the largest value PeopleCode can represent, rather than an error.


A real number.


The following example returns the tangent of an angle measuring 1.2 radians:

&MY_RESULT = Tan(1.2);


Use the Then keyword in an if block. See If for more information.


throw expression


Use the throw statement to throw an exception. This can be used to create your own exceptions, instead of using ones generated by the system.





Specify the exception object that you want to throw. This can either be an already defined and created exception object, or one that you create with the Throw statement.




Local Exception &ex;

Function t1(&i As integer) Returns number
   Local number &res = &i / 0;

Function t2
   throw CreateException(2, 160, "'%1' doesn't support property or method '%2'", "SomeClass", "SomeMethod");

   /* This will cause a divide by 0 leading to an exception             */
   /* This code will never be caught since t1(2) will resume execution  */
   /* in the catch block below. It is here to show how an exception can */
   /* be thrown directly bythe PeopleCode itself.                       */
   Local number &res = t1(2);
catch Exception &caught
   MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0, "Caught exception: " | &caught.ToString());




Use the Time function to derive a Time value from a Number value. Use it to assign values to Time fields and variables, since Time values cannot be directly represented as constants.





A Number in the form HHMMSS[.SSSSSS], representing a time to a precision of up to .000001 second, based on a 24-hour clock.


Returns a Time value based on the number n.


The example sets &START_TIME to 12:34:56.123456:

&START_TIME = Time(123456.123456);


Time3(hours, mins, secs)


Use the Time3 function to derive a Time value from three supplied numbers. It can be used to assign values to Time fields and variables, since Time values cannot be directly represented as constants.





A Number in the form HH between 00 and 23, representing hours on a 24-hour clock.


A Number in the form MM between 00 and 59, representing minutes of the hour.


A Number in the form SS[.SSSSSS], between 00 and 59.999999, representing seconds.


Returns a Time value based equal to the sum of the three input values representing hours, minutes, and seconds, to a precision of .000001 second.


The example sets &START_TIME to

&START_TIME = Time3(11,14,9.3);




Use the TimePart function to derive the time component of a DateTime value.





A DateTime value from which to extract the time component.


Returns a Time value.


The example set &T to

&DT = DateTimeValue("12/13/1993 3:34:35 PM");
&T = TimePart(&DT);


TimeToTimeZone(OldTime, SourceTimeZone, DestinationTimeZone)


Use the TimeToTimeZone function to convert a time field from the time specified by SourceTimeZone to the time specified by DestinationTimeZone.

Considerations Using this Function

This function should generally be used in PeopleCode, not for displaying time. If you take a time value, convert it from base time to client time, then try to display this time, depending on the user settings, when the time is displayed the system might try to do a second conversion on an already converted time. This function could be used as follows: suppose a user wanted to check to make sure a time was in a range of times on a certain day, in a certain timezone. If the times were between 12 AM and 12PM in EST, these resolve to 9 PM and 9AM PST, respectively. The start value is after the end value, which makes it difficult to make a comparison. This function could be used to do the conversion for the comparison, in temporary fields, and not displayed at all.





Specify the time value to be converted.


Specify the time zone that OldTime is in. Values are:

timezone - a time zone abbreviation or a field reference to be used for converting OldTime.

Local - use the local time zone for converting OldTime.

Base - use the base time zone for converting OldTime.


Specify the time zone that you want to convert OldTime to. Values are:

timezone - a time zone abbreviation or a field reference to be used for converting OldTime.

Local - use the local time zone for converting OldTime.

Base - use the base time zone for converting OldTime.


A converted time value.


The following example TESTTM is a time field with a value 01/01/99 10:00:00. This example converts TESTTM from Eastern Standard Time (EST) to Pacific Standard Time (PST).

&NEWTIME = TimeToTimeZone(TESTTM, "EST", "PST");

&NEWTIME is a time variable with a value of 7:00:00AM.




Use the TimeValue function to calculate a Time value based on an input string. This function can be used to assign a value to a Time variable or field using a string constant, since a Time value cannot be represented with a constant.





A string representing the time. It can either be in the form HH:MM:SS.SSSSSS, based on a 24-hour clock, or in the form HH:MM:SS indicator, where indicator is either AM or PM.


Returns a Time value based on time_str.


The example sets &START_TIME to

&START_TIME = TimeValue("12:13:00 PM");


TimeZoneOffset(DateTime {[, timezone | "Base" | "Local"]})


Use the TimeZoneOffset function to generate a time offset for datetime. The offset represents the relative time difference to GMT. If no other parameters are specified with datetime, the server's base time zone is used.





Specify the DateTime value to be used for generating the offset.

timezone | Local | Base

Specify a value to be used with datetime. The values are:

timezone - a time zone abbreviation or a field reference to be used with datetime.

Local - use the local time zone with datetime.

Base - use the base time zone with datetime.


An offset string of the following format:






is + or -, with + meaning East of Greenwich


is the hours of offset


is the minutes of offset


Use the To keyword in a for loop. See For for more information.



Where scrollpath is:

[RECORD.level1_recname, level1_row, [RECORD.level2_recname, level2_row, ] RECORD.target_recname

To prevent ambiguous references, you can use SCROLL. scrollname, where scrollname is the same as the scroll level’s primary record name.


Use the TotalRowCount function to calculate the number of rows (including rows marked as deleted) in a specified scroll area of a page.

Note: This function remains for backward compatibility only. Use the RowCount rowset property instead.

Rows that have been marked as deleted remain accessible to PeopleCode until the database has been updated; that is, all the way through SavePostChange.

TotalRowCount is used to calculate the upper limit of a For loop if you want the loop to go through rows in the scroll that have been marked as deleted. If the logic of the loop does not need to execute on deleted rows, use ActiveRowCount instead.





A construction that specifies a scroll level in the component buffer.


Returns a Number equal to the total rows (including rows marked as deleted) in the target scroll.


The example uses TotalRowCount to calculate the limiting value on a For loop, which loops through all the rows in the scroll area:

&ROW_COUNT = TotalRowCount(RECORD.BUS_EXPENSE_PER, CurrentRowNumber(1), 
for &I = 1 to &ROW_COUNT
 /* do something with row &I that has to be done to deleted as well as active rows */


Transfer(new_instance, MenuName.MENU_NAME, BarName.BAR_NAME, ItemName.MENU_ITEM_NAME, Page.COMPONENT_ITEM_NAME, action [, keylist])

In which keylist is a list of field references in the form:

[recordname.]field1 [, [recordname.]field2]. . .

Or in which keylist is a list of field references in the form:

&RecordObject1 [, &RecordObject2].  .  .


Use the Transfer function to exit the current context and transfer the user to another page. Transfer can either start a new instance of the component processor in a new window and transfer to the new page there, or close the old page and transfer to the new one in the same instance of the component processor in the current window.

Note: The Transfer function cannot be used with an Internet script or an Application Engine program.

Transfer is more powerful than the simpler TransferPage, which permits a transfer only within the current component in the current instance of the component processor. However, any variables declared as component do not remain defined after using the Transfer function, whether you’re transferring within the same component or not.

You can use Transfer from a secondary page (either with or without using a pop-up menu) only if you’re transferring to a separate instance of a component. You cannot use Transfer from a secondary page if you’re not transferring to a separate instance of a component.

If you provide a valid search key for the new page in the optional keylist, the new page opens directly, using the values provided from keylist as search key values. A valid key means that enough information is provided to uniquely identify a row: not all of the key values need to be provided. If no key is provided, or if the key is invalid, or if not enough information is provided to identify a unique row, the search dialog box displays, enabling the end user to search for a row.

Note: If Force Search Processing is specified in Application Designer for the component, the search dialog box always displays, whether the keylist is provided or not.

If MENU_NAME+BAR_NAME+MENU_ITEM_NAME+COMPONENT_ITEM_NAME is an invalid combination, an error message displays explaining that there were invalid transfer parameters.

In the COMPONENT_ITEM_NAME parameter, make sure to pass the component item name for the page, not the page name.

The component item name is specified in the component definition, in the Item Name column on the row corresponding to the specific page, as shown here. In this example, the PERSONAL_DATA page name appears twice: once with an item name of PERSONAL_DATA_1, and once with the item name of PERSONAL_DATA_2.

Determining the component item name

Differences Between Transfer and TransferExact

When you do a transfer, the first thing the system checks is whether all the key field values for the target component are provided.

If all the keys aren't provided, the search page is displayed. In this scenario, TransferExact and Transfer are the same.

If all the keys are provided, a Select is done against the search record for that component using those keys.

  • If you use the Transfer function, a LIKE operator is used in the Where clause of that Select for each key.

  • If you use the TransferExact function, the equals operator is used in the Where clause for each key. Using equals allows the database to take full advantage of key indexes for maximum performance.

See TransferExact.

Restrictions on Use With a Component Interface

This function is ignored (has no effect) when used by a PeopleCode program that’s been called by a Component Interface.

Restrictions on Use With SearchInit Event

You can't use this function in a SearchInit PeopleCode program.





Set this parameter to True to start a new application instance in a new window, or to False to use the current window and replace the page already displayed.

When the component invoking the Transfer function is displayed in a fluid wrapper (fluid activity guide or master/detail component), the action of this parameter depends on whether AJAX transfers have been enabled. AJAX transfers, or asynchronous in-place transfers, use AJAX (asynchronous JavaScript and XML) technology to allow component-to-component transfers to occur without exiting from the fluid wrapper that contains the source component from which the transfer was invoked. AJAX transfers apply to four PeopleCode functions only: Transfer, TransferExact, ViewContentURLClassic, and ViewContentURLFluid.

When AJAX transfers are not enabled (the default), the action exits the fluid wrapper and the content replaces the current window. If the transfer function is set to open a new window, the action opens a new window instead.

When AJAX transfers are enabled, the new content is displayed in the target content area of the fluid wrapper when the target is set to current window. If the transfer function is set to open a new window, this new window setting is overridden and the new content is also displayed in the target content area of the fluid wrapper except when the transfer is from classic content to other classic content. In that case, the new window setting is honored and the classic content is opened in a new window.

See AJAX Transfers for more information.


The name of the menu where the page is located prefixed with the reserved word MenuName.


The name of the menu bar where the page is located, prefixed with the reserved word BarName.


The name of the menu item where the page is located, prefixed with the reserved word ItemName.


The component item name of the page to be displayed on top of the component when it displays. The component item name is specified in the component definition. This parameter must be prefixed with the keyword Page.


Uses a single-character code as in %Action. Valid actions are "A" (add), "U" (update), "L" (update/display all), "C" (correction), and "E" (data entry).

[keylist ]

An optional list of field specifications used to select a unique row at level zero in the page you are transferring to, by matching keys in the page you are transferring from. It can also be an already instantiated record object.

If a record object is specified, any field of that record object that is also a field of the search record for the destination component is added to keylist. The keys in the fieldlist must uniquely identify a row in the "to" page search record. If a unique row is not identified, or if Force Search Processing is selected for the component, the search dialog box appears.

If the keylist parameter is not supplied then the destination component's search key must be found as part of the source components level 0 record buffer.




The example starts a new instance of the component processor and transfers to a new page in Update mode. The data in the new page is selected by matching the EMPLID field from the old page.


The following example is used with workflow.

   &BPNAME = FetchValue(WF_WORKLIST_VW.BUSPROCNAME, CurrentRowNumber()); 
   &WLNAME = FetchValue(WF_WORKLIST_VW.WORKLISTNAME, CurrentRowNumber()); 
   &INSTANCEID = FetchValue(WF_WORKLIST_VW.INSTANCEID, CurrentRowNumber()); 
   &WF_WL_DEFN_VW = CreateRecord(RECORD.WF_WL_DEFN_VW); 
   SQLExec("select %List(SELECT_LIST, :1) from %Table(:1) where Busprocname = :2 and Worklistname = :3", &WF_WL_DEFN_VW, &BPNAME, &WLNAME, &WF_WL_DEFN_VW); 
   SQLExec("select %List(SELECT_LIST, :1) from %Table(:1) where Activityname = :2 and Stepno = 1 and Pathno = 1", &PSSTEPDEFN, &WF_WL_DEFN_VW.ACTIVITYNAME.Value, &PSSTEPDEFN); 
   When = 0 
      &ACTION = "A"; 
   When = 1 
      &ACTION = "U"; 
      &ACTION = "U"; 
   &MYREC = CreateRecord(@("RECORD." | &WF_WL_DEFN_VW.WLRECNAME.Value)); 
   SQLExec("Select %List(SELECT_LIST, :1) from %Table(:1) where Busprocname = :2 and Worklistname = :3 and Instanceid = :4", &MYREC, &BPNAME, &WLNAME, &INSTANCEID, &MYREC); 
   Transfer( True, @("MenuName." | &PSSTEPDEFN.MENUNAME.Value), @("BarName." | &PSSTEPDEFN.BARNAME.Value), @("ItemName." | &PSSTEPDEFN.ITEMNAME.Value), @("Page." | &PSSTEPDEFN.PAGEITEMNAME.Value), &ACTION, &MYREC); 


TransferExact(new_instance, MenuName.MENU_NAME, BarName.BAR_NAME, ItemName.MENU_ITEM_NAME, Page.COMPONENT_ITEM_NAME, action [, keylist] [, AutoSearch])

where keylist is a list of field references in the form:

[recordname.]field1 [, [recordname.]field2].
. .


&RecordObject1 [, &RecordObject2].  .  .


Use the TransferExact function to exit the current context and transfer the end user to another page using an exact match of all keys in the optional key list. TransferExact can either start a new instance of the component processor in a new window and transfer to the new page there, or close the old page and transfer to the new one in the same instance of the component processor in the current window.

Note: The TransferExact function cannot be used with an internet script or an application engine program.

TransferExact is more powerful than the simpler TransferPage, which permits a transfer only within the current component in the current instance of the component processor. However, any variables declared as Component do not remain defined after using the TransferExact function, whether you’re transferring within the same component or not.

You can use TransferExact from a secondary page (either with or without using a pop-up menu) only if you’re transferring to a separate instance of a component. You cannot use TransferExact from a secondary page if you’re not transferring to a separate instance of a component.

If you provide a valid search key for the new page in the optional keylist, the new page opens directly, using the values provided from keylist as search key values. A valid key means that enough information is provided to uniquely identify a row: not all of the key values need to be provided. If no key is provided, or if the key is invalid, or if not enough information is provided to identify a unique row, the search dialog box displays, enabling the end user to search for a row.

Note: If Force Search Processing is specified in Application Designer for the component, the search dialog box always displays, whether the keylist is provided or not.

If MENU_NAME+BAR_NAME+MENU_ITEM_NAME+COMPONENT_ITEM_NAME is an invalid combination, an error message displays explaining that there were invalid transfer parameters.

In the COMPONENT_ITEM_NAME parameter, make sure to pass the component item name for the page, not the page name.

The component item name is specified in the component definition, in the Item Name column on the row corresponding to the specific page, as shown here. In this example, the PERSONAL_DATA page name appears twice: once with an item name of PERSONAL_DATA_1, and once with the item name of PERSONAL_DATA_2.

Determining the component item name

Differences Between Transfer and TransferExact

When you do a transfer, the first thing the system checks is whether all the key field values for the target component are provided.

If all the keys aren't provided, the search page is displayed. In this scenario, TransferExact and Transfer are the same.

If all the keys are provided, a Select is done against the search record for that component using those keys.

  • If you use the Transfer function, a LIKE operator is used in the Where clause of that Select for each key.

  • If you use the TransferExact function, the equals operator is used in the Where clause for each key. Using equals allows the database to take full advantage of key indexes for maximum performance.

See Transfer.

Restrictions on Use With a Component Interface

This function is ignored (has no effect) when used by a PeopleCode program that’s been called by a Component Interface.

Restrictions on Use With SearchInit Event

You can't use this function in a SearchInit PeopleCode program.





Set this parameter to True to start a new application instance in a new window, or to False to use the current window and replace the page already displayed.

When the component invoking the TransferExact function is displayed in a fluid wrapper (fluid activity guide or master/detail component), the action of this parameter depends on whether AJAX transfers have been enabled. AJAX transfers, or asynchronous in-place transfers, use AJAX (asynchronous JavaScript and XML) technology to allow component-to-component transfers to occur without exiting from the fluid wrapper that contains the source component from which the transfer was invoked. AJAX transfers apply to four PeopleCode functions only: Transfer, TransferExact, ViewContentURLClassic, and ViewContentURLFluid.

When AJAX transfers are not enabled (the default), the action exits the fluid wrapper and the content replaces the current window. If the transfer function is set to open a new window, the action opens a new window instead.

When AJAX transfers are enabled, the new content is displayed in the target content area of the fluid wrapper when the target is set to current window. If the transfer function is set to open a new window, this new window setting is overridden and the new content is also displayed in the target content area of the fluid wrapper except when the transfer is from classic content to other classic content. In that case, the new window setting is honored and the classic content is opened in a new window.

See AJAX Transfers for more information.


The name of the menu where the page is located prefixed with the reserved word MenuName.


The name of the menu bar where the page is located, prefixed with the reserved word BarName.


The name of the menu item where the page is located, prefixed with the reserved word ItemName.


The component item name of the page to be displayed on top of the component when it displays. The component item name is specified in the component definition. This parameter must be prefixed with the keyword Page.


Uses a single-character code as in %Action. Valid actions are "A" ( add), "U" (update), "L" (update/display all), "C" (correction), and "E" (data entry).


An optional list of field specifications used to select a unique row at level zero in the page you are transferring to, by matching keys in the page you are transferring from. It can also be an already instantiated record object.

If a record object is specified, any field of that record object that is also a field of the search record for the destination component is added to keylist. The keys in the fieldlist must uniquely identify a row in the "to" page search record. If a unique row is not identified, or if Force Search Processing is selected for the component, the search dialog box appears.

If the keylist parameter is not supplied then the destination component's search key must be found as part of the source components level 0 record buffer.


Specify whether an automatic search on the target search page is executed after the transfer. This means the search results are already shown without the end user having to click the Search button. This parameter takes a Boolean value: True, do an automatic search. The default value is False (that is, the user has to click the Search button).




The example starts a new instance of the component processor and transfers to a new page in Update mode. The data in the new page is selected by matching the EMPLID field from the old page.

TransferExact(true, MenuName.ADMINISTER_PERSONNEL, BarName.USE, ItemName.PERSONAL_DATA, Page.PERSONAL_DATA_1, "U");

Using the following PeopleCode program:



The following SQL is produced:


If you change the Transfer to TransferExact:


TransferExact(False, MenuName.QE_PEOPLECODE_PAGES, BarName.USE, ItemName.QEPC9PROPSTESTS, Page.QEOPC_9A2FIELDS, "U", &MYREC);

The following SQL is produced:



TransferExactTop(new_window, MenuName.MENU_NAME, BarName.BAR_NAME, ItemName.MENU_ITEM_NAME, Page.COMPONENT_ITEM_NAME, action [, keylist][, AutoSearch]))

In which keylist is a list of field references in the form:

[recordname.]field1 [, [recordname.]field2]. . .

Or in which keylist is a list of field references in the form:

&RecordObject1 [, &RecordObject2].  .  .


Use the TransferExactTop function to exit the current context and transfer the user to another page using an exact match of all keys in the optional key list and by always replacing the current window. Use the TransferExactTop function as an alternative to the TransferExact function to ensure that when the source component is being displayed within a fluid wrapper (that is, the source component is being displayed within a fluid activity guide, a master/detail component, an interactive grouplet, or a modeless window) that the entire current window is replaced with the new content.

Unlike TransferExact, TransferExactTop ignores the new_window parameter. TransferExactTop always exits the current context and completely replaces the current window.

You can use TransferExactTop from a secondary page only if you’re transferring to a separate instance of a component. You cannot use TransferExactTop from a secondary page if you’re not transferring to a separate instance of a component.

If you provide a valid search key for the new page in the optional keylist, the new page opens directly, using the values provided from keylist as search key values. A valid key means that enough information is provided to uniquely identify a row: not all of the key values need to be provided. If no key is provided, or if the key is invalid, or if not enough information is provided to identify a unique row, the search page could be displayed (depending on the component), enabling the user to search for a row.

If MENU_NAME+BAR_NAME+MENU_ITEM_NAME+COMPONENT_ITEM_NAME is an invalid combination, an error message displays explaining that there were invalid transfer parameters.

In the COMPONENT_ITEM_NAME parameter, make sure to pass the component item name for the page, not the page name.

The component item name is specified in the component definition, in the Item Name column on the row corresponding to the specific page, as shown here. In this example, the PERSONAL_DATA page name appears twice: once with an item name of PERSONAL_DATA_1, and once with the item name of PERSONAL_DATA_2.

Determining the component item name

Differences Between TransferTop and TransferExactTop

When you do a transfer, the first thing the system checks is whether all the key field values for the target component are provided.

If all the keys aren't provided, the search page is displayed. In this scenario, TransferExactTop and TransferTop are the same.

If all the keys are provided, a Select is done against the search record for that component using those keys.

  • If you use the TransferTop function, a LIKE operator is used in the Where clause of that Select for each key.

  • If you use the TransferExactTop function, the equals operator is used in the Where clause for each key. Using equals allows the database to take full advantage of key indexes for maximum performance.

See Transfer.

Restrictions on Using TransferExactTop

  • TransferExactTop cannot be used with an Internet script or an Application Engine program.

  • TransferExactTop is ignored (has no effect) when used by a PeopleCode program that’s been called by a component interface.

  • You can't use TransferExactTop in a SearchInit PeopleCode program.





Note: This parameter is ignored and has no effect.


The name of the menu where the page is located prefixed with the reserved word MenuName.


The name of the menu bar where the page is located prefixed with the reserved word BarName.


The name of the menu item where the page is located prefixed with the reserved word ItemName.


The component item name of the page to be displayed on top of the component when it displays. The component item name is specified in the component definition. This parameter must be prefixed with the keyword Page.


Uses a single-character code as in %Action. Valid actions are "A" (add), "U" (update), "L" (update/display all), "C" (correction), and "E" (data entry).


An optional list of field specifications used to select a unique row at level zero in the page you are transferring to, by matching keys in the page you are transferring from. It can also be an already instantiated record object.

If a record object is specified, any field of that record object that is also a field of the search record for the destination component is added to keylist. The keys in the fieldlist must uniquely identify a row in the "to" page search record. If a unique row is not identified, or if Force Search Processing is selected for the component, the search dialog box appears.

If the keylist parameter is not supplied then the destination component's search key must be found as part of the source components level 0 record buffer.


Specify whether an automatic search on the target search page is executed after the transfer. This means the search results are already shown without the end user having to click the Search button. This parameter takes a Boolean value: True, do an automatic search. The default value is False (that is, the user has to click the Search button).




Using the following PeopleCode program:



The following SQL is produced:


If you change the TransferTop to TransferExactTop:


TransferExactTop(False, MenuName.QE_PEOPLECODE_PAGES, BarName.USE, ItemName.QEPC9PROPSTESTS, Page.QEOPC_9A2FIELDS, "U", &MYREC);

The following SQL is produced:



TransferModeless(MenuName.MENU_NAME, BarName.BAR_NAME, ItemName.MENU_ITEM_NAME, Page.COMPONENT_ITEM_NAME, action [, keylist] [, AutoSearch])

In which keylist is a list of field references in the form:

[recordname.]field1 [, [recordname.]field2].
. .

Or in which keylist is a list of field references in the form:

&RecordObject1 [, &RecordObject2].  .  .


Use the TransferModeless function to open a new page in a modeless window on top of the parent window. Only one modeless window can be opened per browser session. Similar to the new_instance parameter of the Transfer function, TransferModeless instantiates a separate instance of the component processor so that the parent window and secondary window are completely independent PeopleCode contexts.

Note: TransferModeless is currently not supported for transfers from or to fluid components. In addition, TransferModeless function cannot be used with an Internet script or an Application Engine program.

TransferModeless is more powerful than the simpler TransferPage, which permits a transfer only within the current component in the current instance of the component processor. However, any variables declared as component do not remain defined after using the TransferModeless function, whether you’re transferring within the same component or not.

You can use TransferModeless from a secondary page (either with or without using a pop-up menu) only if you’re transferring to a separate instance of a component. You cannot use TransferModeless from a secondary page if you’re not transferring to a separate instance of a component.

If you provide a valid search key for the new page in the optional keylist, the new page opens directly, using the values provided from keylist as search key values. A valid key means that enough information is provided to uniquely identify a row: not all of the key values need to be provided. If no key is provided, or if the key is invalid, or if not enough information is provided to identify a unique row, the search dialog box displays, enabling the end user to search for a row.

Note: If Force Search Processing is specified in Application Designer for the component, the search dialog box always displays, whether the keylist is provided or not.

If MENU_NAME+BAR_NAME+MENU_ITEM_NAME+COMPONENT_ITEM_NAME is an invalid combination, an error message displays explaining that there were invalid transfer parameters.

In the COMPONENT_ITEM_NAME parameter, make sure to pass the component item name for the page, not the page name.

The component item name is specified in the component definition, in the Item Name column on the row corresponding to the specific page, as shown here. In this example, the PERSONAL_DATA page name appears twice: once with an item name of PERSONAL_DATA_1, and once with the item name of PERSONAL_DATA_2.

Determining the component item name

Modeless Windows

In addition to modal secondary windows, you can create modeless secondary windows. A modeless window is different from a modal window launched by any of the DoModal* functions in that its state is separate from that of the parent, launching component. When a modeless window is launched from a classic component using the TransferModeless function, the modeless window does not mask the parent window, which allows the user to update the modeless and parent window from the same browser session at the same time.

Note: While the title bar of a modeless window includes an X (or cancel) button, it cannot include any custom buttons.

Important! Only one active child modeless window can be open at one time. Therefore, after opening a modeless child window from the parent, you cannot open a second modeless child window from that modeless window. However, you can open a modal window from that modeless window.

Restrictions on Use With a Component Interface

This function is ignored (has no effect) when used by a PeopleCode program that’s been called by a Component Interface.

Restrictions on Use With SearchInit Event

You can't use this function in a SearchInit PeopleCode program.





The name of the menu where the page is located prefixed with the reserved word MenuName.


The name of the menu bar where the page is located, prefixed with the reserved word BarName.


The name of the menu item where the page is located, prefixed with the reserved word ItemName.


The component item name of the page to be displayed on top of the component when it displays. The component item name is specified in the component definition. This parameter must be prefixed with the keyword Page.


Uses a single-character code as in %Action. Valid actions are "A" ( add), "U" (update), "L" (update/display all), "C" (correction), and "E" (data entry).


An optional list of field specifications used to select a unique row at level zero in the page you are transferring to, by matching keys in the page you are transferring from. It can also be an already instantiated record object.

If a record object is specified, any field of that record object that is also a field of the search record for the destination component is added to keylist. The keys in the fieldlist must uniquely identify a row in the "to" page search record. If a unique row is not identified, or if Force Search Processing is selected for the component, the search dialog box appears.

If the keylist parameter is not supplied then the destination component's search key must be found as part of the source components level 0 record buffer.


Specify whether an automatic search on the target search page is executed after the transfer. This means the search results are already shown without the end user having to click the Search button. This parameter takes a Boolean value: True, do an automatic search. The default value is False (that is, the user has to click the Search button).




TransferNode(new_instance, NODE.nodename, MENUNAME.menuname,  MARKET.marketname, COMPONENT.componentname,  PAGE.component_item_name, action [, keylist])

where keylist is a list of field references in the form:

[recordname.]field1 [, [recordname.]field2]. . .


&RecordObject1 [, &RecordObject2].  .  .


Use the TransferNode function to transfer the user to a page in another Node, but within the same portal.

TransferNode can either start a new instance of the application and transfer to the new page, or close the old page and transfer to the new one in the same instance of the component processor.

Component scoped and Global scoped variables are not available if the new page is in a different node.

Entering null values ("") for the node opens the new component within the current node or portal.

If you want to transfer the end user to another portal, use the TransferPortal function.

If you provide a valid search key for the new page in the optional fieldlist, the new page opens directly, using the values provided from fieldlist as search key values. If no key is provided, or if the key is invalid, the search dialog displays, allowing the end user to search for a row.

Note: If Force Search Processing is specified in Application Designer for the component, the search dialog always displays, whether the keylist is provided or not.

If TransferNode is called in a RowInit PeopleCode program, the PeopleCode program is terminated. However, the component processor continues with its RowInit processing, calling RowInit on the other fields. The actual transfer won't happen until after that completes. You may want to place any TransferPage functions in the Activate event for the page, or later in the Component Processor event flow.

See Understanding Component Definitions.

Restrictions on Use with a Component Interface

This function is ignored (has no effect) when used by a PeopleCode program that’s been called by a Component Interface.

Restrictions on Use with SearchInit Event

You can't use this function in a SearchInit PeopleCode program.





Set this parameter to True to start a new application instance, or to False to use the current window and replace the page already displayed.


Specify the name of the node that contains the content, prefixed with the reserved word NODE. You can also use a string, such as %Node, for this value.


Specify the name of the menu containing the content, prefixed with the reserved word MENUNAME. You can also use a string, such as %Menu, for this value.


Specify the name of the market of the component, prefixed with the reserved word MARKET. You can also use a string, such as %Market, for this value.


Specify the component item name of the page to be displayed on top of the component when it displays. The component item name is specified in the component definition. If you specify a page, it must be prefixed with the keyword PAGE. You can also specify a null ("") for this parameter.


Specify a single-character code. Valid actions are:

  • "A" ( add)

  • "U" (update)

  • "L" (update/display all)

  • "C" (correction)

  • "E" (data entry)

You can also specify a null ("") for this parameter.


An optional list of field specifications used to select a unique row at level zero in the page you are transferring to, by matching keys in the page you are transferring from. It can also be an already instantiated record object.

If a record object is specified, any field of that record object that is also a field of the search record for the destination component is added to keylist. The keys in the fieldlist must uniquely identify a row in the "to" page search record. If a unique row is not identified, of if Force Search Processing has been selected, the search dialog appears.

If the keylist parameter is not supplied then the destination component's search key must be found as part of the source components level 0 record buffer.


A Boolean value: True if function completed successfully, False otherwise.




Use the TransferPanel function to transfer control to the panel indicated by PANEL. panel_name_name within, or to the panel set with the SetNextPage function.

Note: The TransferPanel function is supported for compatibility with previous releases of PeopleTools. New applications should use the TransferPage function instead.




Use the TransferPage function to transfer control to the page indicated by Page.page__name or to the page set with the SetNextPage function. The page that you transfer to must be in the current component or menu. To transfer to a page outside the current component or menu, or to start a separate instance of the component processor prior to transfer into, use the Transfer function.

Note: If the visibility of the current page is set to False in a PeopleCode program, then you must invoke the TransferPage function to transfer control to a visible page.

See SetNextPage, Transfer.

Note: You can’t use TransferPage from a secondary page.

Any variable declared as a Component variable will still be defined after using a TransferPage function.

Considerations Using TransferPage

The following are important considerations when using the TransferPage function:

  • TransferPage always terminates the current PeopleCode program.

  • TransferPage is always processed after all events are completed.

Given these considerations, here are some scenarios for how TransferPage executes:

  • When called in RowInit: The current RowInit PeopleCode program is terminated, but RowInit processing continues. In addition, RowInit PeopleCode programs run for the rest of the fields in the row. Then TransferPage is processed.

  • When called in FieldEdit: The FieldEdit PeopleCode program is terminated. The FieldChange program for that field still runs. Then TransferPage is processed.

  • When called in SavePreChange: The SavePreChange program for that field is terminated. SavePreChange runs for the rest of the fields on that page. Then SavePostChange run for all the fields. Then TransferPage is processed.

  • When called in FieldChange in deferred mode: In deferred mode, changed fields are processed in order. The FieldChange program is terminated. Then any subsequent fields in the page order are processed with the normal FieldEdit-Field Change logic. Once that has finished, the TransferPage is processed.

When TransferPage is processed, any PeopleCode associated with the Activate event for the page being transferred to runs. This always occurs at the end, after all field processing.

If TransferPage is called multiple times during field processing, all the calls are processed at the end, in the same order the calls were made. The Activate event executes each time. The final active page is the one that was transferred to by the last call.

Restrictions on Use With a Component Interface

This function is ignored (has no effect) when used by a PeopleCode program that’s been called by a Component Interface.

Restrictions on Use With SearchInit Event

You can't use this function in a SearchInit PeopleCode program.





A String equal to the name of the page you are transferring to, as set in the page definition, prefixed with the reserved word Page. The page must be in the same component as the page you are transferring from.


Optionally returns a Boolean value indicating whether the function executed successfully.


The following examples both perform the same function, which is to transfer to the JOB_DATA_4 page:



TransferPage( );


TransferPortal(new_instance, PORTAL.portalname, NODE.nodename, MENUNAME.menuname, MARKET.marketname, COMPONENT.componentname, PAGE.component_item_name, action [, keylist])

where keylist is a list of field references in the form:

[recordname.]field1 [, [recordname.]field2].
. .


&RecordObject1 [, &RecordObject2].  .  .


Use the TransferPortal function to transfer the user to a page in another Node in a different portal.

TransferPortal can either start a new instance of the application and transfer to the new page, or close the old page and transfer to the new one in the same instance of the component processor.

Component scoped and Global scoped variables are not available after this function.

If you want to transfer the end user to another node within the same portal, use the TransferNode function.

If you provide a valid search key for the new page in the optional fieldlist, the new page opens directly, using the values provided from fieldlist as search key values. If no key is provided, or if the key is invalid, the search dialog displays, allowing the end user to search for a row.

Note: If Force Search Processing is specified in Application Designer for the component, the search dialog always displays, whether the keylist is provided or not.

If TransferPortal is called in a RowInit PeopleCode program, the PeopleCode program is terminated. However, the component processor continues with its RowInit processing, calling RowInit on the other fields. The actual transfer won't happen until after that completes. You may want to place any TransferPortal functions in the Activate event for the page, or later in the Component Processor flow.

See Understanding Component Definitions.

Restrictions on Use with a Component Interface

This function is ignored (has no effect) when used by a PeopleCode program that’s been called by a Component Interface.

Restrictions on Use with SearchInit Event

You can't use this function in a SearchInit PeopleCode program.

Restrictions on Use with Different Releases

You cannot use this function to transfer a user from a PeopleTools 8.42 portal to any base PeopleTools 8.1x portal that overwrites the expired cookie value when login occurs.

The TransferPortal function is currently supported to transfer users to pages in other nodes to base PeopleTools 8.18 portals, including all PeopleTools 8.18 versions and patches.





Set this parameter to True to start a new application instance, or to False to use the current window and replace the page already displayed.


Specify the name of the portal that you want to transfer to, prefixed with the reserved word Portal.


Specify the name of the node that contains the content, prefixed with the reserved word NODE. You can also use a string, such as %Node, for this value.


Specify the name of the menu containing the content, prefixed with the reserved word MENUNAME. You can also use a string, such as %Menu, for this value.


Specify the name of the market of the component, prefixed with the reserved word MARKET. You can also use a string, such as %Market, for this value.


Specify the component item name of the page to be displayed on top of the component when it displays. The component item name is specified in the component definition. If you specify a page, it must be prefixed with the keyword PAGE. You can also specify a null ("") for this parameter.


Specify a single-character code. Valid actions are:

  • "A" ( add)

  • "U" (update)

  • "L" (update/display all)

  • "C" (correction)

  • "E" (data entry)

You can also specify a null ("") for this parameter.


An optional list of field specifications used to select a unique row at level zero in the page you are transferring to, by matching keys in the page you are transferring from. It can also be an already instantiated record object.

If a record object is specified, any field of that record object that is also a field of the search record for the destination component is added to keylist. The keys in the fieldlist must uniquely identify a row in the "to" page search record. If a unique row is not identified, of if Force Search Processing has been selected, the search dialog appears.

If the keylist parameter is not supplied then the destination component's search key must be found as part of the source components level 0 record buffer.


A Boolean value: True if function completed successfully, False otherwise.


TransferTop(new_window, MenuName.MENU_NAME, BarName.BAR_NAME, ItemName.MENU_ITEM_NAME, Page.COMPONENT_ITEM_NAME, action [, keylist])

In which keylist is a list of field references in the form:

[recordname.]field1 [, [recordname.]field2]. . .

Or in which keylist is a list of field references in the form:

&RecordObject1 [, &RecordObject2].  .  .


Use the TransferTop function to exit the current context and transfer the user to another page by always replacing the current window. Use the TransferTop function as an alternative to the Transfer function to ensure that when the source component is being displayed within a fluid wrapper (that is, the source component is being displayed within a fluid activity guide, a master/detail component, an interactive grouplet, or a modeless window) that the entire current window is replaced with the new content.

Unlike Transfer, TransferTop ignores the new_window parameter. TransferTop always exits the current context and completely replaces the current window.

You can use TransferTop from a secondary page only if you’re transferring to a separate instance of a component. You cannot use TransferTop from a secondary page if you’re not transferring to a separate instance of a component.

If you provide a valid search key for the new page in the optional keylist, the new page opens directly, using the values provided from keylist as search key values. A valid key means that enough information is provided to uniquely identify a row: not all of the key values need to be provided. If no key is provided, or if the key is invalid, or if not enough information is provided to identify a unique row, the search page could be displayed (depending on the component), enabling the user to search for a row.

If MENU_NAME+BAR_NAME+MENU_ITEM_NAME+COMPONENT_ITEM_NAME is an invalid combination, an error message displays explaining that there were invalid transfer parameters.

In the COMPONENT_ITEM_NAME parameter, make sure to pass the component item name for the page, not the page name.

The component item name is specified in the component definition, in the Item Name column on the row corresponding to the specific page, as shown here. In this example, the PERSONAL_DATA page name appears twice: once with an item name of PERSONAL_DATA_1, and once with the item name of PERSONAL_DATA_2.

Determining the component item name

Restrictions on Using TransferTop

  • TransferTop cannot be used with an Internet script or an Application Engine program.

  • TransferTop is ignored (has no effect) when used by a PeopleCode program that’s been called by a component interface.

  • You can't use TransferTop in a SearchInit PeopleCode program.





Note: This parameter is ignored and has no effect.


The name of the menu where the page is located prefixed with the reserved word MenuName.


The name of the menu bar where the page is located prefixed with the reserved word BarName.


The name of the menu item where the page is located prefixed with the reserved word ItemName.


The component item name of the page to be displayed on top of the component when it displays. The component item name is specified in the component definition. This parameter must be prefixed with the keyword Page.


Uses a single-character code as in %Action. Valid actions are "A" (add), "U" (update), "L" (update/display all), "C" (correction), and "E" (data entry).


An optional list of field specifications used to select a unique row at level zero in the page you are transferring to, by matching keys in the page you are transferring from. It can also be an already instantiated record object.

If a record object is specified, any field of that record object that is also a field of the search record for the destination component is added to keylist. The keys in the fieldlist must uniquely identify a row in the "to" page search record. If a unique row is not identified, or if Force Search Processing is selected for the component, the search dialog box appears.

If the keylist parameter is not supplied then the destination component's search key must be found as part of the source components level 0 record buffer.




The example starts does not start a new instance of the component processor, but transfers to a new page in Update mode.

TransferTop( False, MenuName.QE_FLUID_CR, BarName.USE, ItemName.QE_CBACK_F1, Page.QE_CBACK_F1, "U");


Transform({XmlString | &XmlDoc} AE_Program_Name, Initial_Node_Name, Initial_Message__Name, Initial_Message_Version, Result_Node_Name, Result_Message_Name, Result_Message_Version)


Use the Transform function to modify one transaction, as specified by the Initial parameters, to another transaction, specified by the Result parameters, using an Application Engine program. This is used with Integration Broker.

Generally using this function implies that you're transforming a message that you're not actually sending or receiving at the current time. By using this method, and specifying the two transactions, it's as if you're defining a relationship, without having to use the relationship component.

Note: This function does not work on the z/OS batch servers.

Considerations Using the Transform Functions

The Transform function uses an existing Application Engine program to do transformations. This enables you to break up the flow of Integration Broker and do transformations when you need to. If you wish to reuse your Application Engine programs, you can invoke them by using this function.

The TransformEx function does not use an Application Engine program to do a transformation. Instead, it does an Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT.) This enables you to dynamically do transformations outside of Integration Broker, such as, performing transformations on pagelets in a portal every time a page is accessed.

The TransformExCache function also does XSLT transformations without using an Application Engine program, outside of Integration Broker. Use TransformExCache when you have a large volume of similar transformations to be done. Caching technology is used with this function. You may see an increase in performance, as well as an increase in memory consumption, using this function.




XmlString | &XmlDoc

Specify an already populated XmlDoc object, an XML string, or other text that you want transformed.


Specify the name of the Application Engine program that you want to use for the transformation.


Specify the name of the initial node as a string.


Specify the name of the initial message.


Specify the version of the initial message that you want to use.


Specify the result, where you want the transformed message to go to.


Specify the name of the result message, the one to use for the output.


Specify the version of the result message to be used.


An XmlDoc object containing the resulting XML from the transformation. Null is never returned. If you do not want to display an error to the user, place this function inside a try-catch statement.


TransformEx(XmlString, XsltString)


Use the TransformEx function to do an XSLT transformation of the specified XML string.

This function also strips off any encoding information located within the XML Declaration.

The input, output, and XSL string must all be well-formed XML. If the output is HTML, it is actually XHTML (which is well-formed XML.)

Note: This function does not work on the z/OS batch servers.

Considerations Using the Transform Functions

The Transform function uses an existing Application Engine program to do transformations. This enables you to break up the flow of Integration Broker and do transformations when you need to. If you wish to reuse your Application Engine programs, you can invoke them by using this function.

The TransformEx function does not use an Application Engine program to do a transformation. Instead, it does an Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT.) This enables you to dynamically do transformations outside of Integration Broker, such as, performing transformations on pagelets in a portal every time a page is accessed.

The TransformExCache function also does XSLT transformations without using an Application Engine program, outside of Integration Broker. Use TransformExCache when you have a large volume of similar transformations to be done. Caching technology is used with this function. You may see an increase in performance, as well as an increase in memory consumption, using this function.





Specify the XML string that you want transformed.


Specify the XSLT string you wish to use to transform the XML string.


The output of the transformation as a string if successful, NULL otherwise.


   &outStr = TransformEx(&inXML, &inXSLT);
catch Exception &E
   MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0, "Caught exception: " | &E.ToString());


TransformExCache(&XmlDoc, FilePath, XsltKey)


Use the TransformExCache function to do an Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) transformation of the specified XmlDoc object.

The file specified by FilePath must be in well-formed XML.

Note: This function does not work on the z/OS batch servers.

Considerations Using the Transform Functions

The Transform function uses an existing Application Engine program to do transformations. This enables you to break up the flow of Integration Broker and do transformations when you need to. If you wish to reuse your Application Engine programs, you can invoke them by using this function.

The TransformEx function does not use an Application Engine program to do a transformation. Instead, it does an Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT.) This enables you to dynamically do transformations outside of Integration Broker, such as, performing transformations on pagelets in a portal every time a page is accessed.

The TransformExCache function also does XSLT transformations without using an Application Engine program, outside of Integration Broker. Use TransformExCache when you have a large volume of similar transformations to be done. Caching technology is used with this function. You may see an increase in performance, as well as an increase in memory consumption, using this function.





Specify an already instantiated and populated XmlDoc object that you want transformed.


Specify an XSLT file. You must specify an absolute path to the file, including the file extension.


Specify a key to uniquely name the compiled and cached XSLT in the data buffers. This key is used both to create the item in memory as well as retrieve it. This parameter takes a string value, up to 30 characters.


An XmlDoc object containing the resulting XML from the transformation. Null is never returned. If you do not want to display an error to the user, place this function inside a try-catch statement.


Local XmlDoc &inXMLdoc = CreateXmlDoc("");

Local Boolean &ret = &inXMLdoc.ParseXmlFromURL("c:\temp\in.xml");

Local XmlDoc &outDoc = TransformExCache(&inXMLdoc, "c:\temp\in.xsl", "INBOUND");


TreeDetailInNode(setID, tree, effdt, detail_value, node)


Use the TreeDetailInNode function to determine whether a specific record field value is a descendant of a specified node in a specified tree.

Note: This function is not compatible with the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture. However, this function is still available for use with the PeopleSoft Tree Manager Windows client, available in the 8.1 product line.

An equivalent PeopleCode tree class method or built-in function for PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture does not exist, however, you may achieve this same functionality using the tree classes.





SetID for the appropriate business unit. This parameter is required. If there is no setID, you can pass a NULL string ("", not a blank) and a blank will be used.


The tree name that contains the detail_value.


Effective date to be used in the search. You must use a valid date.


The recordname.fieldname containing the value you are looking for.


The "owning" tree node name.


Returns a Boolean value, True if detail_value is a descendant of node in tree.


This example sets the value of &APPR_RULE_SET to the value at the APPR_RULE_LN record and APPR_RULE_SET fieldname, on the tree ACCOUNT.



TriggerBusinessEvent(BUSPROCESS.bus_proc_name, BUSACTIVITY.activity_name, BUSEVENT.bus_event_name)


Use the TriggerBusinessEvent function to trigger a business event and the workflow routings associated with that event. This function should only be used in Workflow PeopleCode. You can edit Workflow PeopleCode via the Event Definition dialog while you are defining a workflow event.





A string consisting of the name of the business process, as defined in the Business Process Designer, prefixed with the reserved word BUSPROCESS.


A string consisting of the name of the business activity, as defined in the Business Process Designer, prefixed with the reserved word BUSACTIVITY.


A string consisting of the name of the business event, as defined in the Business Process Designer, prefixed with the reserved word BUSEVENT.


Returns a Boolean value: True if successful, false otherwise. The return value is not optional.

Note: You must check the return from TriggerBusinessEvent to see if you have an error. If you have an error, all of the updates up to that TriggerBusinessEvent process are rolled back. However, if you don’t halt execution, even if you have an error, all updates after the TriggerBusinessEvent process are committed. This could result in your database information being out of synch.


The following example triggers the Deny Purchase Request event in the Manager Approval activity of the Purchase Requisition business process:

&SUCCESS = TriggerBusinessEvent(BUSPROCESS."Purchase Requisition", BUSACTIVITY."Manager Approval", BUSEVENT."Deny Purchase Request");


Truncate(dec, digits)


Use the Truncate function to truncate a decimal number dec to a specified precision.





A Number value that sets the precision of the truncation (that is, the number of digits to leave on the right side of the decimal point).


Returns a Number value equal to dec truncated to a digits precision.


The example sets the value of &NUM to 9, 9.99, -9, then 0.

&NUM = Truncate(9.9999, 0);
&NUM = Truncate(9.9999, 2);
&NUM = Truncate(-9.9999, 0);
&NUM = Truncate(0.001, 0);


   Protected StatementList
catchQualifiedID &ID


Use the try statement as part of a try-catch block to trap exceptions thrown either by the system or by using the CreateException function.




Protected StatementList

Specify the statements that are protected by the try-catch block.

catch QualifiedID &ID

Specify the catch statement at the end of the list of statements you want to protect.


Specify what class of exception you are catching—that is, Exception or the name of a class extending the Exception class.


Specify a variable to be set with the caught exception.


Specify the steps to be taken once the exception is caught.




   &res = 15.3 / 7 * 22.1; 
catch Exception &c1 
   MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0, "Caught exception: " | &c1.ToString()); 


TurnOffRTI(search definition)


Use the TurnOffRTI function to disable real time indexing for a specified search definition when the document count exceeds the threshold specified on the Configure Real Time Indexing page. Additionally, this function disables real time indexing for other search definitions that have common trigger records.

When you use the TurnOffRTI function, the system checks for the calling application batch program name and validates before turning off real-time indexing for the specified search definition.

Note: Before you use this function, you must ensure that the application batch programs associated with a search definition are configured on the Configure Real Time Indexing page.




search definition

Specify the search definition for which you want to disable real time indexing as a String value.


A return code as an integer.

Return Code



Real time indexing is successfully disabled for the specified search definition and other search definitions that have common trigger records.


Batch jobs are not configured for the specified search definition.


SQL execution failed.


Real time indexing is not enabled for the search definition or the search definition is not deployed.


Illegal arguments are passed to API call.


Trigger records are not found for the specified search definition.


Batch job is not configured for real time indexing switch.


Local integer &x = TurnOffRTI("EP_AP_VOUCHERS");
WinMessage(&x, 0);


TurnOffRTIFromProcess(search definition,batch_program)


Use the TurnOffRTIFromProcess function to disable real-time indexing for a specified search definition. The specified application batch program calls this function when the document count exceeds the threshold specified on the Configure Real Time Indexing page. Similar to the TurnOffRTI function, this function also disables real time indexing for other search definitions that have common trigger records.

When you use the TurnOffRTI function, the system checks for the calling application batch program name and validates before turning off real-time indexing for the specified search definition. However, when you use the TurnOffRTIFromProcess function, you can specify the calling application batch program as the second argument, but validation is not performed.

Note: Before you use this function, you must ensure that the application batch programs associated with a search definition are configured on the Configure Real Time Indexing page.




search definition

Specify the search definition for which you want to disable real time indexing as a String value.


Specify an application batch program associated with the search definition as a String value, which calls the TurnOffRTIFromProcess function.


A return code as an integer.

Return Code



Real time indexing is successfully disabled for the specified search definition and other search definitions that have common trigger records.


Batch jobs are not configured for the specified search definition.


SQL execution failed.


Real time indexing is not enabled for the search definition or the search definition is not deployed.


Illegal arguments are passed to API call.


Trigger records are not found for the specified search definition.


Batch job is not configured for real time indexing switch.


Local integer &x = TurnOffRTIFromProcess("EP_AP_VOUCHERS", "FS_STREAMLN");
If (&x = 1) Then
   WinMessage("Successfully turned off RTI for SD EP_AP_VOUCHERS", 0);