Using the PSADMIN for the Process Scheduler Configuration File

The section discusses the steps to create and configure the Process Scheduler Configuration File (PSPRCS.CFG) using the PSADMIN utility.

Although you typically edit the PSPRCS.CFG file through PSADMIN, you can find the PSPRCS.CFG file in the following directory:

  • Windows: PS_CFG_HOME\APPSERV\PRCS\domain_name

  • UNIX: PS_CFG_HOME/appserv/prcs/domain_name

To create a PeopleSoft Process Scheduler configuration:

  1. Select Start, Command Prompt.

  2. Change the directory to <PS_HOME>\appserv\.

  3. Enter psadmin.

  4. Press ENTER.

    The PeopleSoft Server Administration menu appears.

  5. Select option 2 (Process Scheduler).

  6. Press ENTER.

    The PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Administration menu appears.

  7. Select option 2 (Create a Domain) from the Process Scheduler Administration menu.

  8. Enter the name of the desired database.

  9. Press ENTER.

    The Quick-configure menu appears.

Note: To edit a PeopleSoft Process Scheduler configuration file, follow the previously listed steps 1 through 6, then select option 1 (Administer a domain). Select the number corresponding to the domain you want to edit, then select option 4 (Configure this domain).

The Quick-configure menu enables you to create a process scheduler configuration by entering basic information. If you must change a parameter that does not appear, select Custom configuration.

The menu is divided into the following three sections:

  • Features: Each item in this list is a feature that uses one or more server processes.

    If set to Yes, the feature becomes active for users of the server. Select the number that corresponds to the desired option to toggle between yes and no.

  • Settings: Commonly changed parameters are listed in this section.

    Select the number that corresponds to the desired parameter to change its setting.

  • Actions: Select to load the scheduler with the server and settings displayed, run a complete custom scheduler configuration, display help information, or return to the previous menu.

The Quick-configure menu consists of the following features:

Field or Control


Master Schdlr (master scheduler)

Flag that enables the Master Scheduler Server (PSMSTPRC). The default is to disable the server.

App Eng Server (application engine server)

Flag that initiates Application Engine programs through the AE Tuxedo Server (PSAESRV). The default is set to run PeopleSoft Application Engine using PSAESRV.

Domains Gateway

Enables communication between the Process Scheduler domain and an application server domain for configuring inter-domain events for the push framework.

For more information on configuring the push notification framework, see Configuring the System for Push Notifications.

Push Notifications

Enables the Process Scheduler domain for use within the push notification framework.

For more information on configuring the push notification framework, see Configuring the System for Push Notifications.

The Quick-configure menu consists of the following settings:

Field or Control


DBNAME (database name)

Enter the database name that is associated with a PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server Agent, such as HRDMO, FSDMO, SADMO, and so on.

DBTYPE (database type)

Enter the database type: DB2UNIX, DB2ODBC (for DB2/OS/390 ), MICROSFT, or ORACLE

PrcsServer (process server)

Enter the process server name. This must match the name defined in the Server Definition table (for example, PSNT).


Enter the user ID. Typically, this value is VP1 for Enterprise Resource Planning and PS for Human Resources.

UserPswd (user password)

Enter the user password. Typically, this value is VP1 for Enterprise Resource Planning and PS for Human Resources.


Enter the connect ID. This value is required for all platforms.

ConnectPswd (connect password)

Enter the connect password. This value is required for all platforms.

Log/Output Dir (log/output directory)

Enter the directory in which files that are generated by the program are written. When PeopleSoft Process Scheduler initiates a process request, it creates a subdirectory in the format <Process Type ID>_<Program Name>_<Process Instance> that contains the generated files. For instance, the SQR program has all reports, trace, and log files in the subdirectory SQR_XRFWIN_20. It is also the optional directory used with the Output Destination field when scheduling a request. You can use this variable (%%OutputDirectory%%) in the File/Printer field of the Process Scheduler Request dialog box.

Note: The output directory has an extra slash attached at the end.


Enter the path to the SQR executables.


(Optional for Tuxedo) Enter an additional directory that is appended to the PATH environment variable.


Enter the path to the database drivers (that is, your connectivity software).


If adding the additional security layer of the domain connection password, enter that password value.

For more information on the domain connection password option, see DomainConnectionPwd.