Setting Up OpenSearch Dashboards in PeopleSoft Search Framework

Before you can begin to set up OpenSearch Dashboards for use in Search Framework, you should complete some prerequisites, such as the installation of PeopleTools 8.59.21 or later and OpenSearch 2.3.0.

To set up OpenSearch Dashboards to provide data on Search Framework, OpenSearch, and PeopleSoft application data, you need to complete the following steps:

  1. Install OpenSearch Dashboards.

  2. Connect OpenSearch Dashboards to the OpenSearch server.

  3. Start OpenSearch Dashboards service.

Note: These instructions assume that PeopleTools 8.59.21 and OpenSearch 2.3.0 are installed in your environment.

Search Framework supports the installation of OpenSearch Dashboards on Windows and Linux.

To install OpenSearch Dashboards, you use the delivered OSK DPK. For instructions on installing OpenSearch Dashboards, refer to the PeopleSoft Deployment Packages Installation for Search Components for the current release.

Important! For the implementation of OpenSearch Dashboards with PeopleSoft, OpenSearch Dashboards is delivered as part of OSK DPK because a security module is built into it. Therefore, you must use OSK DPK to install OpenSearch Dashboards. For the implementation of OpenSearch Dashboards with PeopleSoft, do not install Opensearch Dashboards from the website.

OpenSearch Dashboards is a Web-application, and you can install it on the same server where OpenSearch is installed or you can install it on a separate server.

Note: Oracle recommends that you install OpenSearch Dashboards on one of the OpenSearch nodes in the cluster to ensure better connectivity between OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards.

When you use the OSK DPK to install OpenSearch Dashboards, the installation script prompts you to specify the OpenSearch server that you want to connect to OpenSearch Dashboards. You can connect to the OpenSearch server that you are in the process of installing, or enter the credentials for a different OpenSearch server.

For OpenSearch Dashboards to be always available, you should ensure that the OpenSearch server it connects to is always up and running.

After installing OpenSearch Dashboards, you should complete the following tasks:

  • Set up OpenSearch Dashboards for application data analytics.

  • Set up OpenSearch Dashboards for monitoring system and OpenSearch metrics.

Setting Up OpenSearch Dashboards for Application Data Analytics

To set up OpenSearch Dashboards for application data analytics, you should update the OpenSearch Dashboards section of the Search Instance Properties page. You enter the host name and port of the server where OpenSearch Dashboards is installed.

For more information, see Creating Search Instances.

Setting Up OpenSearch Dashboards for Monitoring System and OpenSearch Metrics

You should manually set up the connection between the OpenSearch search instance in PeopleSoft and the OpenSearch Dashboards monitoring server using the Configure Server page. For instructions on using the Configure Server page, see Configuring the Monitoring Server.

When you use an OpenSearch cluster with three nodes, OpenSearch Dashboards is connected to only one node of the cluster. The system monitoring job that keeps track of the cluster statistics is activated in the first node provided in the search instance configuration. If there is a change in the primary node in the search instance, it is necessary to stop the monitoring job and then start the monitoring job by using the system monitoring flag on the Configure Server page.

On the Windows platform, after you install OpenSearch Dashboards, you need to start the OpenSearch Dashboards service. Refer to the PeopleSoft Deployment Packages Installation for Search Components for the current release.

To start OpenSearch Dashboards on Windows, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a command prompt, and change directory to OSD_Home\bin.

  2. Run opensearch_dashboards.bat.

  3. The service status displays as Listening indicating that the service has started

On the Linux platform, after you install OpenSearch Dashboards, the OpenSearch Dashboards service is automatically started. You can use the following command to check the status of the service:

ps  -ef | grep node

If the OpenSearch Dashboards service is not started, you can start the service by running