Configuring an Environment for PTF

PTF test assets (tests and test cases) are stored in tables in a PeopleSoft application database. Any application database that is certified to run on PeopleTools 8.51 or greater can be used as a PTF environment.

To configure an environment for PTF, you need to complete the following tasks:

  1. Verify Integration Broker setup.

  2. Set up security.

  3. Configure the Web Profile.

  4. Define PTF Configuration Options.

  5. Evaluate SSL certificate requirements.

To verify that Integration Broker is set up for your application:

  1. In your PeopleSoft application, navigate to PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Configuration > Integration Gateways.

  2. Verify that the Gateway URL field references the correct machine name.

  3. Click the Ping Gateway button.

  4. Verify that the message returns a status of ACTIVE.

  5. Click the Gateway Setup Properties link.

  6. Sign on to access file.

  7. The default user ID is administrator, and the default password was created when PIA was installed (please contact your security administrator for the password).

  8. Verify that the Gateway Default App Server URL is specified.

This is an example of the Gateways page:

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Integration Broker Gateways page.

Integration broker gateways page

The port number in the URL (8020 in this example) is the http port of the web server.

This is an example of a Ping message showing ACTIVE status:

This example illustrates a successful Integration Gateway Ping message.

Integration Gateway Ping message

Click the Gateway Setup Properties link on the Gateways page to access the PeopleSoft Node Configuration page, as shown in this example:

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the PeopleSoft Node Configuration page.

PeopleSoft node configuration page

The port number in the App Server URL (9010 in this example) generally corresponds with the JSL Port Number as defined in the Application Server configuration. The default port number is 9000.

When the web server is connected to more than one database you will need to enter a node name, as defined in PeopleSoft Nodes on the PeopleSoft Node Configuration page, in the Node ID field of the PTF Signon dialog box. Contact your Integration Broker administrator to determine the correct node name to use. If no node is defined in PeopleSoft Nodes on this page, leave the Node ID field of the PTF Signon dialog blank.

See Creating a Connection to a PTF Environment.

Note: If you rerun the PIA installer, the PeopleSoft Node Configuration page data is cleared and needs to be reentered.

Verify that the Default User ID for the ANONYMOUS node has, at a minimum, a PTF User role.

  1. Navigate to Integration Broker > Integration Setup > Node Definitions.

  2. Select the ANONYMOUS node.

  3. Note the Default User ID.

  4. Navigate to PeopleTools > Security > User Profiles > User Profiles.

  5. Select the User ID you identified in Step 3.

  6. Access the Roles tab.

  7. Verify that one of the PTF roles is present.

    See Setting Up Security.

If Integration Broker is not set up correctly, contact your Integration Broker administrator.

Users connecting to a PTF test environment must have one of these roles associated with their user ID:

  • PTF User

  • PTF Editor

  • PTF Administrator

This table details the privileges associated with the PTF security roles:


PTF User

PTF Editor

PTF Administrator

Run Tests




Create, Modify, and Delete Tests




Create, Modify, and Delete Test Cases




Create or Modify Runtime Options




Use Log Manager




Define Configuration Options




Create Test Maintenance Reports




Create Test Coverage Reports




Insert Tests/Test Cases into Application Designer projects




PTF administrator can grant privileges to roles for a specific test folder and its content form the Test Folder Permissions Manager.

See details in Securing Test Folders Using Permissions.

Note: The Default User ID for the ANONYMOUS node must have, as a minimum, a PTF User role.

If PTF security is not configured properly you may receive an error message when signing on to the PTF client indicating that the UserID and Password are not correct.

Possible causes and solutions for this error are:

  • The user ID for the ANONYMOUS node does not have PTF privileges. Add at least the PTF User role to the user profile.

  • The user ID you entered in the User field in the Environment Login does not have PTF privileges. Add at least the PTF User role to the user profile.

For more information on entering roles for a user profile, see Defining Role Options

Complete the following steps to configure the web profile settings for the PeopleSoft application that you are testing.

  1. Access the Web Profile Configuration page (PeopleTools > Web Profile > Web Profile Configuration).

  2. Select the profile name for your environment. (This is the web profile that was selected during web server installation.)

  3. Click the Debugging tab.

  4. Check the Show Connection & Sys Info check box.

    If this option is not selected PTF will not record menu, component, and page metadata correctly.

  5. Check the Generate HTML for Testing check box.

    If this option is not selected PTF will not record HTML objects correctly.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Web Profile Configuration - Debugging page.

Web Profile Configuration - Debugging page

Use the Define Configuration Options page (PSPTTSTCONFIG) to:

  • Define record and runtime options.

  • Configure external command processing.


PeopleTools > Lifecycle Tools > Test Framework > PTF Configuration Options

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Configuration Options Page.

Define Configuration Options Page

Record Options

Field or Control


Use Page Prompt

Select to use Page Prompt and PromptOK steps during recording in place of menu navigation. The Use Page Prompt option is also available on the PTF Test Recorder toolbar. The option selected here is the default for all users in this environment. The option selected on the PTF Test Recorder toolbar overrides this selection for that recording session.

See Page.

Use Message Recognition

Select to automatically create entries for the Message Recognition feature during recording. The Use Message Recognition option is also available on the PTF Test Recorder toolbar. The option selected here is the default for all users in this environment. The option selected on the PTF Test Recorder toolbar overrides this selection for that recording session.

Use Process Run

Select to use Process Run steps during recording in place of specific object actions. The Use Process Run option is also available on the PTF Recorder toolbar. The option selected here is the default for all users in this environment. The option selected on the PTF Test Recorder toolbar overrides this selection for that recording session. When this option is selected, PTF will recognize when a user accesses a run page and will populate the Process.Run parameters with the process information. All actions in the run page or process monitor page will be ignored, because those actions will be handled by the Run.Process during runtime.

Use Scroll Variables

Select to enable selection of scroll variables during recording. The Use Scroll Variables option is also available on the PTF Test Recorder toolbar. The option selected here is the default for all users in this environment. The option selected on the PTF Test Recorder toolbar overrides this selection for that recording session.

When this option is selected, a drop-down list box containing valid scroll variables appears in the PTF Test Recorder tool bar. While recording, when the user selects any available variable from the Variable list, in subsequent recording actions, the PTF Recorder appends the variable to the name/ID/comment recognition string in the test.

Use Page Expand

Select to add a Page.Expand step type if the user expands a section of a page during recording. The Use Page Expand option is also available on the PTF Test Recorder toolbar. The option selected here is the default for all users in this environment. The option selected on the PTF Test Recorder toolbar overrides this selection for that recording session.

If this option is selected, when a user expands a page section, two steps are inserted:

  1. A Page.Expand step, which is set to active.

  2. The specific action used to expand the page, which is set to inactive.

When this option is not selected, when a user expands a page section, a step for only the specific user action is inserted.

Use Browser.Start_Login

Select this option to set the first step in a test to Browser.Start_Login. When this option is selected, the Ignore Login Steps option on the PTF Test Recorder tool bar is selected by default.

When this option is not selected, the first step in a test is set to Browser.Start, and the Ignore Login Steps option on the PTF Test Recorder tool bar is not selected, so any immediately subsequent recorded login steps are active.

The option selected here is the default for all users in this environment.

Run Options

Field or Control


Process Server List

Add process server names to the list that can be selected in Runtime Options.

See Configuring Execution Options in PTF Client.

External Command Processing

Use this section to define the command line programs available to PTF users within any given PTF environment. When the step/action Command.Exec is defined in the test step, PTF will use the information supplied to run the command.

Note: Automation engineers may develop many executable utilities that assist in automating functional test cases. In order to limit the scope of command line programs available to PTF users within any given PTF environment, the command line program must be defined in the PeopleSoft database.

Field or Control


Command Name

Enter the name to be used in PTF for the command line program. The command name will be all caps.

Command Path

Enter the path where the command line program is located.

Note: The path to the defined external command and the executable file must be located on a host accessible to the PTF client used to run the Command.

Command File Name

Enter the name of the command line file.


Enter the time in seconds before a command will time out.

See Command.

By default, PeopleSoft Test Framework requires a secure connection to the application database (an HTTPS connection).

When you launch the PeopleSoft Test Framework client, if the database that you are attempting to connect to does not have a valid SSL certificate, an error message appears, indicating that the environment does not allow unsecured connections. You should check with your PeopleSoft Test Framework administrator to resolve the error.

PeopleSoft Test Framework administrators can activate the PTTST_CONFIG_NO_SSL web service if a connection to an unsecured database is allowed. Once the web service is active, when a user starts the PeopleSoft Test Framework client and it attempts to connect to an unsecured database, a warning message appears indicating that the connection is not secure, but it provides an option to connect anyway.

To activate the PTTST_CONFIG_NO_SSL web service:

  1. In the application database, access the Service Operations – Search page by selecting PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Integration Setup > Service Operation Definitions.

  2. In the Service Operations field, enter PTTST_CONFIG_NO_SSL and click the Search button.

  3. In the Service Operations search results, click the PTTST_CONFIG_NO_SSL link to access the Service Operations – General page.

  4. Select the Regenerate Any-to-Local check box.

  5. Select the Active check box to activate the service operation, then click the Save button.