You may need to set the following parameters in advanced configurations.

Use the Remote Administration parameters to enable embedded Java Management Extensions (JMX) agents for use with PeopleSoft Health Center (PHC). By default the value is set to enabled. With this enabled, a Server Runtime JMX agent will be started in all managed servers, and the Domain Runtime JMX agent will be started in PSMONITORSRV.

To improve security, you can configure SSL for JMX agents. Create a keystore and truststore for the JMX agents and enter the information here.

See Enabling SSL for JMX Agents

  • Enable Remote Administration is enabled by default.

    Change the value to 1 to enable, and to 0 to disable. When you enable Remote Administration, you must also specify the port, user ID and password.

    Note: When configuring an Application Server domain in psadmin, if you do not disable the setting and you do not supply any information, you see a message such as “Enable PS JMX is not 0, but some of PS JMX parameters (userId, userPwd) are empty. PHC will not be able to work.”

  • Remote Administration Port

    Specify the port number to use for remote administration of domain processes. All embedded JMX agents will use the port in the JMX service URL.

  • Remote Administration UserID

    Specify the user name for remote administration connections between JMX agents.

  • Remote Administration Password

    Specify the password for remote administration connections. You do not have to enter an encrypted password. When you use psadmin to edit a psappsrv.cfg or psprcs.cfg file, you can enter the password in clear text, and psadmin will encrypt it when a domain is created and configured.

  • Remote Administration SSL Enabled

    Change the value to 1 to enable SSL for JMX agents, and to 0 to disable. The default is 0, disabled. When you enable SSL for JMX agents, you must also specify the location, password, and type for the keystore and truststore.

  • Remote Administration SSL Keystore

    Specify the location of the keystore for SSL.

  • Remote Administration SSL Keystore Password

    Specify the password for the SSL keystore. The password must be encrypted with PSCipher.

    See Using the PSCipher Utility

  • Remote Administration SSL Keystore Type

    Specify the keystore type, PKCS12 or JKS.

  • Remote Administration SSL Truststore

    Specify the location of the truststore for SSL.

  • Remote Administration SSL Truststore Password

    Specify the password for the SSL truststore. The password must be encrypted with PSCipher.

    See Using the PSCipher Utility

  • Remote Administration SSL Truststore Type

    Specify the truststore type, PKCS12 or JKS.

Controls whether the Performance Monitor agent runs and collects performance monitor data. Enter 1 to enable the Performance Monitor agent, and 0 to disable the Performance Monitor agent. This setting overrides the value for this parameter that is set in the database.

The Add To CLASSPATH environment variable parameter enables the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and other Java applications where to find the Java class libraries, including any user-defined class libraries. Because PeopleTools automatically generates CLASSPATH entries for core, delivered class libraries, use this variable to specify additional class libraries that the PeopleSoft software needs to access. To use this parameter, you need to uncomment it in the PSAPPSRV.CFG file.

The PeopleCode API Reference provides details on where you can place custom and third-party Java classes.

See System Setup for Java Classes.

Specify additional options to be passed to the JVM loaded by the domain's server processes. Separate the options with spaces, for example:

 -Xrs -Xmx256m -Xms256m

If the domain will run as a Windows service, you must specify at least the default option, -Xrs.

Note: If you are using the AIX operating system, these options may be required: JavaVM Options=-Xrs -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xcheck:jni.

The JavaVM Options parameter specified in the [PSTOOLS] section specifies global JavaVM options used by every server process in a domain. To override this global value for a particular server process, you can apply custom JavaVM options to individual server processes by adding the JavaVM Options parameter manually to the configuration section for that server process.

JavaVM Options can appear multiple times in a single PSAPPSRV.CFG or PSPRCS.CFG file. While the JavaVM Options value in the [PSTOOLS] section applies to all server processes governed by a particular configuration file, the system only uses the JavaVM Options value in the [PSTOOLS] section for server processes that do not have the JavaVM Options parameter added to its configuration settings section.

For example, if the JavaVM Options parameter has been added to the [PSAPPSRV] section of the PSAPPSRV.CFG file and has been assigned a value, then that value will be used when loading the JVM as a thread of that PSAPPSRV process. If the JavaVM Options parameter does not appear, or has no value, in the [PSAPPSRV] section, then the system uses the value specified in the [PSTOOLS] section when loading the JVM as a thread of the PSAPPSRV process. This applies to any server process: PSAPPSRV, PSQRYSRV, PSAESRV, and so on.

See your JRE documentation for valid JVM options.

Note: If the server runs behind a proxy server, and Java code will be invoked, you must set the -D Java options to reflect your proxy connection settings. For example, Java code invoked by any Tuxedo-managed server, such as the application server or Process Scheduler server, requires the following Java options: -Dhttp.proxyHost=<value>, -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=<value>, and -Dhttp.proxyPort=<value>.

If the HTTP destination, such as the gateway host, is behind a proxy server for security reasons, enter the distinguished name of the proxy server, as in

Note: The proxy settings configured in the PSAPPSRV.CFG file do not apply to the embedded JVM. For Java code invoked on a PeopleSoft server (application server, Process Scheduler server, and so on) that requires a connection to the proxy, set the Java proxy settings using the Java VM Options setting in the PSAPPSRV.CFG file or PSPRCS.CFG file.

Enter the port number on which the proxy server is listening for transmissions. For instance, 80 is a typical default port number.

Enter a list of the hosts that should be connected to directly, not through a proxy server. Separate the host names with a pipe symbol ( | ). You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character to specify a pattern of similar host names.

For example, localhost|* indicates that the local host and all hosts with names ending in will be accessed directly.

Note: The length of this string cannot exceed 1024 characters.

Remove the comment character to set the DISPLAY environment variable on headless UNIX boxes running applications with chart graphics. Xvfb must also be started and configured to use this value.

For example, Display=localhost:10.0.

Required only if you are enabling the Usage Monitor, which generates system usage metrics using Performance Monitor technology. The usage metrics can then be incorporated with the PeopleSoft Testing Framework to enable you to design more efficient test plans that focus efforts on the elements of the system most used or most affected by and update or upgrade. Usage Monitor must be enabled in the domain before usage metrics can be captured.




Usage Monitor is disabled. No usage information will be captured.


Usage Monitor is enabled, all users are monitored, and all users are anonymous, as in usage activity is not associated with a particular user ID. Anonymous data is collected unless the user configures the Test Name and Test Case Name fields on the Usage Monitoring page.


Usage Monitor is enabled, all users are monitored, and user are not anonymous. That is, usage activity is associated with a particular user ID.

Note: There are other options that need to be enabled within Performance Monitoring in addition to the Usage Monitor State parameter.

Enter the character set to be used as the system locale. This setting is used to convert text to and from UNICODE when using interfaces that do not support UNICODE. Such interfaces include file names, text file contents, and other operating system calls that require non-UNICODE text. This setting controls how files used by the PeopleTools file attachment feature are named.

The default values are:

Operating System








Note: By default, the parameter is commented out. With no value specified, invalid values or " "(blank value), the system assumes the above default values as the character set.

To override the default, remove the comment character for the Character Set parameter, and select a character set from the following list corresponding to the languages that this application server will process. For example, to set the character set for Simplified Chinese:

Character Set=gb2312

Note: The character set of the application server and the character set of any Microsoft Windows workstations connecting to that application server must match.

The utf8 option is valid only when the locale character set is UTF-8.

Enter y to suppress an application error box or message from appearing after an application error occurs. Enter n to view error dialogs and message boxes.

Note: If the system generates an error box for an application server process and this parameter is set to n, Tuxedo can't restart the down process until you close the error box.

The following values are valid for the DbFlags parameter:




Enable the %UpdateStats meta-SQL construct.


Disable the %UpdateStats meta-SQL construct.


Disable a secondary database connection (used with the GetNextNumberWithGapsCommit PeopleCode function).

This prevents the creation of a secondary database connection, bundling all SQL into a single unit of work. Without the additional database connection, the database row lock is held for a longer time, reducing concurrency in a multiple-user environment.

Important! Analytic instance processing requires a secondary database connection, so if you're using analytic servers, ensure that this value is not set. In addition, the CallAppEngine PeopleCode function requires a secondary connection when used with the allowcommit parameter set to True. Therefore, ensure that this value is not set when using CallAppEngine with allowcommit set to True.


Disables persistent secondary database connections (used by either the GetNextNumberWithGapsCommit PeopleCode function or the CallAppEngine PeopleCode function when the allowcommit parameter is set to True).

When this value is specified, any secondary database connection created by GetNextNumberWithGapsCommit or by CallAppEngine is immediately closed after the commit completes execution. This keeps the number of database connections to a minimum, but requires each call to create a new secondary database connection on demand.

Important! The performance impact of creating each new secondary database connection is significant, especially in high volume user production environments. Therefore, don't use this setting without carefully considering its effect.

DbFlags uses a bit mask so that you can specify one or more of these values. You set this parameter to the total of the values that you want to apply. For example, to disable %UpdateStats and ignore the Truncate command, set DbFlags to 3 (setting bits one and two).

The default value is 0.

See %UpdateStats.

This option is not available through the PSADMIN interface, but it exists in the PSTOOLS section of the PSAPPSRV.CFG file for small, medium, and large configurations.

For security purposes, this option has a default value of 1 to prevent SQL error details from being displayed to users. Any SQL errors that occur don't display details, but refer users to consult the system log. The details that were in the SQL message are written to the log file. This helps to prevent SQL injection vulnerabilities.

If you want SQL error details to be visible to users, set this property as follows:

 Suppress SQL Error=0

Note: In developer configurations, the Suppress SQL Error option doesn't exist in PSAPPSRV.CFG, and the system assumes a value of 0.