SMTP Settings

You can send electronic mail requests, issued with workflow or PeopleCode, to the application server, which passes the requests to the specified mail server (SMTPServer). To specify the appropriate SMTP server and port to receive the email requests, you must edit the SMTP Settings section.

When set in the PSAPPSRV.CFG file, these SMTP settings are not dynamic: SMTPGuaranteed, SMTPTrace, SMTPSendTime. They require a domain reboot to take effect.

Note: You can also control most of these settings using the PeopleCode SMTPSession class, which temporarily overrides them without changing the values in PSAPPSRV.CFG. You use this class primarily when you want to send multiple emails in a single session of the SMTP server, instead of having to change the permanent SMTP settings for every email. In the event that your application PeopleCode does not specify its own SMTP settings, the system uses the settings in the PSAPPSRV.CFG file.

See SMTPSession Class.

Enter the host name and IP address of the mail server machine.

Enter the port number on the mail server machine.

Enter the host name and IP address of the failover mail server machine in case the other specified server is down.

Enter the port number on the failover mail server machine.

Enter the sender's internet address. This must be a valid address, such as

Enter the internet address that you want to be the reply to address for Blackberry email responses. This must be a valid address such as

Enter the sender's source machine name and internet address in the form of MACHINE.EXAMPLE.COM. This value is required in some, but not all environments.

Enter the character set that is used on the sender's machine.

Enter the name of a dynamic-link library (DLL) that is used to translate the mail message from the sender's character set (such as latin1, sjis, big5, gb, ks-c-5601-1987, or ks-c-5601-1992) to a 7-bit safe character set for transmission.

Set this parameter to 1 if you want TriggerBusinessEvent email PeopleCode to be delivered through the Integration Broker system, which provides some additional administration capabilities for ensuring delivery of the message. By enabling this feature you implement a mechanism to ensure that emails get routed to the appropriate place in case SMTP mail fails for reasons such as network timeouts, downed mail servers, invalid parameters, and so on.

This setting enables the system to track email messages sent using Integration Broker queues. When sending an email with this option enabled, the system performs an asynchronous local-to-local publish, and for the subscription the system calls MCFOutboundMail.send to email the message.

Use this parameter to control the tracing of email details. The system writes the log information to SMTP<DD_MM>.log in %PS_SERVDIR%/LOGS, by default, or the custom value set for Log Directory. For example:


LogFence should be set to 5.

See LogFence

  • Enter 0 to disable SMTP tracing.

  • Enter 1 to enable the tracing of email details to the log file.

    With this option the log file includes extensive details in the log file.

  • Enter 2 to enable the tracing of summary information to the log file.

    With this option the log file includes summary information for each email in this format:

    <Date_Time> Email sent with return code [<Return Code>] From: [<Sender>] To:[<Recipient>] Sender:[<Sender>] CC:[<CC Field>] BCC:[<BBC Field>] Subject:[<subject_text>]

    For example:

    Wed Apr 29 18:48:46 CDT 2020 Email sent with return code [NOT DELIVERED] From:[] To:[] Sender:[] CC:[null] BCC:[null] Subject:[This is a test]

    For a list of the Return Codes, see Send

Enter 1 to have messages contain a send time that is populated by the application server. Enter 0 to leave the send time blank and have it populated by the receiving gateway (depending on the gateway).

Enter the user name to log in to the SMTP server. This applies only when authentication is enabled on the SMTP server.

Enter the password for the user specified by SMTPUserName to access the SMTP server. This applies only when authentication is enabled on the SMTP server.

Use PSCipher to encrypt the SMTPUserPassword value.

See Using the PSCipher Utility.

Enter the user name to log in to the backup SMTP server. This applies only when authentication is enabled on the backup SMTP server.

Enter the password for the user specified by SMTPUserName1 to access the backup SMTP server. This applies only when authentication is enabled on the backup SMTP server.

Use PSCipher to encrypt the SMTPUserPassword1 value.

See Using the PSCipher Utility.

Enter the time in milliseconds for the mail system to wait for the result of sending each email. If the time is set to 0, the system doesn't wait, and the returned result will be always be %ObEmail_SentButResultUnknown ( = -1). If you set this parameter to -1, the system will wait for the completion of the send process. The default value of this setting is 10000 (ten seconds).

This parameter indicates whether SSL connections are enabled. Enter Y for yes or N for no. The default value is N.

To allow PeopleTools to issue the STARTTLS or STLS command to the mail server to secure an insecure connection, add this parameter manually to the PSAPPSRV.CFG file and PSPRCS.CFG file in the SMTP settings section, and set it to true.

Use this to specify whether STARTTLS can be enabled (if supported by the server). If STARTTLS is enabled and configured correctly on the server it will send mail through SSL by issuing a STARTTLS or STLS command. If SSL is not configured correctly or if the STARTTLS command fails, the mail will not be sent. If STARTTLS or STLS is not supported on the server, it will send mail in the normal means, without using SSL.

To allow PeopleTools to issue the STARTTLS or STLS command to the mail server to secure an insecure connection, and require that the mail server support the command, add this parameter manually to the PSAPPSRV.CFG file and PSPRCS.CFG file in the SMTP settings section, and set it to true.

Use this to specify whether using STARTTLS or STLS is required. If this property is set to true, mail will be sent only if STARTTLS or STLS is supported on the server. If the server doesn't support these commands, or the command fails, the connect method will fail.

If using SSL, specify the SSL port on the SMTP server. The default is 465.

If the SMTP server is configured for client authentication, enter the alias name of the client certificate.

This parameter applies to the backup SMTP server.

Use it to indicate whether SSL connections are enabled. Enter Y for yes or N for no. The default value is N.

To allow PeopleTools to issue the STARTTLS or STLS command to the backup mail server to secure an insecure connection, add this parameter manually to the PSAPPSRV.CFG file and PSPRCS.CFG file in the SMTP settings section, and set it to true.

Use this to specify whether STARTTLS can be enabled (if supported by the backup server). If STARTTLS is enabled and configured correctly on the server it will send mail through SSL by issuing a STARTTLS or STLS command. If SSL is not configured correctly or if the STARTTLS command fails, the mail will not be sent. If STARTTLS or STLS is not supported on the server, it will send mail in the normal means, without using SSL.

To allow PeopleTools to issue the STARTTLS or STLS command to the backup mail server to secure an insecure connection, and require that the mail server support the command, add this parameter manually to the PSAPPSRV.CFG file and PSPRCS.CFG file in the SMTP settings section, and set it to true.

Use this to specify whether using STARTTLS or STLS is required on the backup server. If this property is set to true, mail will be sent only if STARTTLS or STLS is supported on the server. If the server doesn't support these commands, or the command fails, the connect method will fail.

This parameter applies to the backup SMTP server.

If using SSL, specify the SSL port on the SMTP server. The default is 465.

This parameter applies to the backup SMTP server.

If the SMTP server is configured for client authentication, enter the alias name of the client certificate.

This parameter enables you to configure the number of times the IsDomainNameValid method of the MCFMailUtil class retries to verify that the domain of an email address submitted to the method is valid. If you need to override the system default, manually add this parameter to the [SMTP Settings] section of the PSAPPSRV.CFG file.

PeopleTools supports NT LAN Manager (NTLM) as a primary authentication mechanism. NTLM is a suite of authentication and session security protocols used in various Microsoft network protocol implementations. To use NTML with PeopleTools, you need to add these parameters manually to the PSAPPSRV.CFG file and PSPRCS.CFG file in the SMTP settings section.




Specify whether NTLM is enabled. Add true or false.


Specify the NTLM domain.


Specify whether NTLM is enabled for the backup server.


Specify the NTLM domain for the backup server.

PeopleTools supports Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) as a primary authentication mechanism. SASL is a framework for authentication and data security in many internet protocols. While there are several SASL mechanisms, PeopleTools supports PLAIN SASL only. To use SASL with PeopleTools, you need to add these parameters manually to the PSAPPSRV.CFG file and PSPRCS.CFG file in the SMTP settings section.




Specify whether SASL is enabled.


Specify the SASL mechanism.


Specify the authorization ID


Specify the realm.


Specify whether SASL is enabled for the backup server.


Specify the SASL mechanism for the backup server.


Specify the authorization ID for the backup server.


Specify the realm for the backup server.

PeopleTools supports TLS for SMTP security. To use TLS with PeopleTools, see the preceding definitions for these parameters:

  • SMTPTLSEnable

  • SMTPTLSRequired

  • SMTPTLSEnable1

  • SMTPTLSRequired1

Keep in mind the following considerations:

  • PeopleSoft mail integration is on the application server only.

    PeopleSoft software does not support VIM/MAPI, because this option is client-side-only integration, and PeopleSoft Internet Architecture applications run on the server side.

  • The application server communicates directly with the SMTP server through telnet by using standard SMTP commands with Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) 1.0 messages.

  • PeopleSoft software currently supports UTF-8 encoding of the e-mail messages by default, and you can encode e-mail messages in other ways.

    With server-side integration, you do not have to certify any specific e-mail client application. You can use any application to read e-mail.

  • PeopleSoft recommends using the Multichannel Framework mail classes for all e-mail sent from a PeopleSoft application.