Using the Pagebar

Note: The information provided in this topic applies to the PeopleSoft classic user interface.

Just below the universal navigation header is the pagebar—a series of links and buttons that appear when you are on a transaction page.

This example shows the pagebar.


The availability of these options is controlled by the application developer. All options may not be available for each component. The options include:

Field or Control


New Window

Click to open a new browser window.

See Opening New Windows.

Note: This option is not available on modal pages.


Click to open the online help for the displayed transaction page.

Personalize Page

Click to control the initial page display. Opens the Page personalization page, where you can:

  • Select the initial page in the component to be displayed.

  • Save the state of the expanded and collapsed sections.

  • Save the state of the View All settings on the page for grids and scroll areas.

  • Enable or disable autocomplete for a field, the entire page, or the entire component.

  • Personalize the page field tabbing order:

    • Clear Tabbing Order. Removes the existing tabbing order.

    • Restore Default. Restores the default tabbing order.

    • Include In Tabbing Order. Click this option and then click a tabbed item to include it in the tabbing order.

    • Remove From Order. Click this option and then click a tabbed item to remove it from the tabbing order.

    • Move Up In Order. Click this option and then click a tabbed item to move it up in the tabbing order.

    • Move Down In Order. Click this option and then click a tabbed item to move it down in the tabbing order.

You can also elect to copy and share the settings that you have saved for the personalized page.

See Personalizing Pages.

Note: This option is not available on modal pages.

Copy URL iconHTTP

Available only when using Internet Explorer. Copies the current page URL to the clipboard so that it is available for pasting in emails or other applications. The copied URL includes page, action, and search key information to display in the context of the portal if you are using the portal. If you did not pass through the portal, the system displays the page only, without the portal frames.

See Defining Content References.

Note: This option is not available on modal pages.


Prints the current page. Includes all data in scrollable grids. This option must be enabled. For configuration information, see Configuring Web Profiles.

Note: This option is not available on modal pages.