Associating Test Names and Test Cases With Usage Monitor Data

When the Usage Monitor is enabled and collecting usage data, the information is stored associated with a user ID or anonymously, depending on the options selected for the Usage Monitoring State parameter in the application server domain configuration. To associate a test name and test case with usage monitoring data, use the Usage Monitoring page, which you access by using the Test Usage Monitoring top-level menu item. This can help to sort the generated usage data, especially for usage data for PeopleSoft Test Framework tests.

Access the Usage Monitoring page by selecting PeopleTools > Performance Monitor > Administration > Test Usage Monitoring.

Alternatively, select Test Usage Monitoring in main menu.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Usage Monitoring page.

Usage Monitoring page

Enter a Test Name and Test Case value to associate specific usage data with individual tests and test cases.

To begin a test, click Start Test.

To end a test, click Stop Test.

To view the data collected during the test, you can use the Test Name and Test Case value to retrieve information specific to a particular test case. For example:


Where PTTST_NAME is the Test Name value, and PTTST_CASE_NAME is the Test Case value.