The graphic shows a screenshot of ExaWatcher IO Summary Charts for 8/3/16 1:30:00 PM — 8/13/16 2:30:00 PM. The screenshot shows 4 charts:
Flash IOPs: a line graph that shows the number of IOPs, ranging from 0/s to 24,000/s over a one hour period. There are three lines in the graph: io/s, r/s, w/s.
Hard Disk IOPs: A line graph that shows the number of IOPs, ranging from 0/s to 4,000/s over a one hour period. There are three lines in the graph: io/s, r/s, w/s.
Flash MB/s: A line graph that shows the number of MBs, ranging from 0MB/s to 250MB/s over a one hour period. There are three lines in the graph: iomb/s, rmb/s, wmb/s.
Hard Disk MB/s: A line graph that shows the number of MBs, ranging from 0MB/s to 240MB/s over a one hour period. There are three lines in the graph: iomb/s, rmb/s, wmb/s.
At the bottom of the screenshot, on the left, it says “Number of buckets: 361; Bucket intervals: 10”