The figure shows the flow between 6 types of objects: Oracle ASM Disk, Quorum Disk Device, Multipath Device, iSCSI Device,
iSCSI Target, and Logical Volume. These objects appear in the illustration in the listed order, from top to bottom.
- The top object is the Oracle ASM disk, and it communicates with the Quorum disk device.
- The Quorum Disk Device communicates with the Oracle ASM disk and the Multipath Device.
- The Multipath device communicates with the two iSCSI devices using the RDMA Network, and also with the Quorum disk device.
- Each iSCSI device communicates with the iSCSI target and the Multipath device.
- The iSCSI target communicates with the Logical Volume.
- The bottom object is Logical Volume, and it communicates with iSCSI target.