2.19.2 Adding Egress Throttle Groups

Use this task to create new Egress Throttle Groups.

Egress Throttle Groups fields are described in Diameter Egress Throttle Groups Elements.

  1. Click Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Egress Throttle Groups.
  2. Click Insert.
  3. Enter a unique name for the Egress Throttle Group in the Egress Throttle Group Name field.
  4. Select a Rate Limiting configuration set.
  5. Select a Pending Transaction Limiting Configuration Set.
  6. Select a Egress Throttling Control Scope option.
  7. Select a Peer Node to associate with this ETG.
  8. Select a Connection to associate with this ETG.
  9. Click:
    • OK to save the changes and return to the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Egress Throttle Groups page.
    • Apply to save the changes and remain on this page.
    • Cancel to return to the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Egress Throttle Groups page without saving any changes.
    The following conditions exist:
    • You can only insert Peer Nodes or Connections whose Dynamic attribute is NO for inclusion in an Egress Throttle Group.
    • Peer Nodes or Connections created by the Dynamic Peer Discovery feature cannot be included by any Egress Throttle Group instance.
    If OK or Apply is clicked and any of the following conditions exist, then an error message appears:
    • The maximum number of Egress Throttle Groups have already been created.
    • There is no Peer Node or Connection in the signaling network element corresponding to the Egress Throttle Group to be added.
    • Any required fields are left empty.
    • An Egress Throttle Group is configured with the greater than the maximum total number of Peers and Connections.
    • An Egress Throttle Group is configured with duplicate Peers or Connections.
    • An Egress Throttle Group is configured with a Peer already configured as a member in any Egress Throttle Group. (Explicit association of Peer with another Egress Throttle Group)
    • An Egress Throttle Group is configured with a Peer which is associated with a Connection configured as a member in any Egress Throttle Group. (Implicit association of Peer with another Egress Throttle Group)
    • An Egress Throttle Group is configured with a Connection already configured as a member in any Egress Throttle Group. (Explicit association of Connection with another Egress Throttle Group)
    • An Egress Throttle Group is configured with a Connection which is associated with a Peer configured as a member in any Egress Throttle Group. (Implicit association of Connection with another Egress Throttle Group)
    • An Egress Throttle Group is configured with a Connection and a Peer associated with each other.