2.16.2 Adding a Route Group

Use this task to create a new Route Group.

  1. Click Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Route Groups.
  2. Click Insert.
  3. Enter a unique name for the Route Group in the Route Group Name field.
  4. Enable or disable traffic measurements in a route group by setting Traffic Measurement.
  5. Select the Type option for the entries included in the Route Group (Peer Nodes or Connections).
  6. Select the Peer Node, or Peer Node and Connection, and enter the Provisioned Capacity field for this Route Group entry.
    1. Select a Peer Node from the Peer Node list.
    2. If the Connection Route Group option is selected for the Type field, then select a Connection assigned to the selected Peer Node from the Connection list.
    3. Enter the Provisioned Capacity for the selected Peer Node or Connection.
  7. Perform one of the following actions:
    • If you want to add another Peer Node, Connection, and Provisioned Capacity entry to the Route Group, click Add and repeat step 6 for this next entry. Up to 512 entries can be provisioned for Connection Route Groups.
    • If you do not want to add another entry, continue with step 8.
  8. Click OK, Apply, or Cancel.
    If OK or Apply is clicked and any of the following conditions exist, then an error message appears:
    • Any required field is empty; no value was entered or selected
    • The entry in any field in not valid (wrong data type or out of the valid range)
    • The Route Group Name is not unique; it already exists in the system
    • The selected list entry no longer exists (has been deleted by another user)
    • The selected Peer Node is a duplicate within the Route Group
    • The selected Connection is a duplicate within the Route Group for the same Peer Node
    • The maximum number of Route Groups (6000) already exists in the system
    The following conditions exist:
    • You can only assign Peer Nodes whose Dynamic attribute is NO to a Route Group of either type (Peer Node or Connection). Peer Nodes created via Dynamic Peer Discovery cannot be assigned to any statically-created Route Group.
    • Peer Nodes created by the Dynamic Peer Discovery cannot be assigned to any statically-created Route Group.
    • You can only allow Connections whose Dynamic attribute is NO to a Route Group of type Connection Route Group.
    • Connections created by the Dynamic Peer Discovery feature may not be assigned to any statically-created Connection Route Group.