2.21.4 Application Routing Rules Configuration

An Application Routing Rule defines message routing to a diameter application based on message content matching the Application Routing Rule's conditions.

If the redirect ART instance is not configured, redirect processing skips ART evaluation for the redirected request, and it goes directly to PRT evaluation. If the redirect ART is configured, redirect processing searches for that ART and performs ART evaluation of the redirect request.

There are six Application Routing Rule parameters:
  • Destination-Realm
  • Destination-Host
  • Application-ID
  • Command-Code
  • Origin-Realm
  • Origin-Host

When a Diameter message matches the conditions of an Application Routing Rule then message is routed to the diameter application specified in the rule.

Application Routing Rules are assigned a priority in relation to other Application Routing Rules. A message is handled based on the highest priority routing rule that it matches. The lower the number an Application Routing Rule is assigned the higher priority it has. (1 is highest priority and 1000 is lowest priority.)

One or more diameter applications must be activated before Application Routing Rules can be configured.

On the Viewing Rules for Application Route Table: {Application Route Table Name} page, you can perform the following actions:
  • Filter the list of Rule Names to display only the desired Rules.
  • Sort the list entries in ascending or descending order by Rule Name, Priority, or Application Name by clicking the column heading.

    By default, the list is sorted by Priority in ascending ASCII order. The lowest Priority value indicates the highest priority. For Rules with the same Priority, the Rule Name is used for sorting.

  • Click Insert.

    On the Inserting Rule for Application Route Table: {Application Route Table Name} page, you can add a new Application Routing Rule and its values. See Adding an Application Routing Rule. If the maximum number of Application Routing Rules (50000) already exists in the system, then the Inserting Rule for Application Route Table: {Application Route Table Name} page does not appear and an error message displays.

  • Select the Rule Name of an Application Routing Rule in the list and click Edit.

    On the Editing Rule for Application Route Table: {Application Route Table Name} page, you can edit the selected Application Routing Rule. See Editing an Application Routing Rule.

  • Select the Rule Name of an Application Routing Rule in the list and click Delete to remove the selected Application Routing Rule. See Deleting an Application Routing Rule