6.3.3 Changing an Existing AVP Dictionary Entry

Use the following task to change an existing Custom Dictionary AVP entry.


Base Dictionary entries cannot be edited directly. To change a Base Dictionary entry, use the Adding a New AVP Dictionary Entry procedure to enter a new AVP in the Custom Dictionary that has the same Attribute Name, AVP Code, and Protocol as the Base Dictionary entry that you want to change. Enter different values for the attributes that you want to change.

The fields are described in Diameter Custom Dictionary Elements.

  1. Click Diameter, and then AVP Dictionary, and then Custom Dictionary.
  2. In the list, select the entry to be changed and click Edit.
  3. Change the available attributes as needed .

    The Attribute Name, AVP Code, and Protocol cannot be changed.

  4. Click:
    • OK to save the changes and return to the Diameter, and then AVP Dictionary, and then Custom Dictionary page.

    • Apply to save the changes and remain on the Diameter, and then AVP Dictionary, and then Custom Dictionary [Edit] page.

      Cancel to return to the Diameter, and then AVP Dictionary, and then Custom Dictionary page without saving any changes.

    If the old version of the AVP is referred to by any Rule Template, the application must be restarted to begin use of the changed AVP. The old version is used until the restart is done.