2.19.4 Deleting Egress Throttle Groups

Use this task to delete Egress Throttle Groups.

An Egress Throttle Group cannot be deleted if either its corresponding Rate Limiting Admin State or Pending Transaction Limiting Admin State is not in the Disabled admin state. Before you perform this task, ensure that the Rate Limiting Admin State or Pending Transaction Limiting Admin State for the Egress Throttle Group is in the Disabled admin state.

  1. Click Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Egress Throttle Groups.
  2. Select the Egress Throttle Group to be deleted.
  3. Click Delete.
    A popup window appears to confirm the delete.
  4. Click:
    • OK to delete the Egress Throttle Group.
    • Cancel to cancel the delete function and return to the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Egress Throttle Groups page.
    If OK is clicked and the following condition exists, then an error message appears:
    • The Egress Throttle Group Rate Limiting Admin State for the Egress Throttle Group to be deleted is not in the Disabled admin state.
    • The Egress Throttle Group Pending Transaction Limiting Admin State for the Egress Throttle Group to be deleted is not in the Disabled admin state.
    • The Egress Throttle Group is configured in an Egress Throttle List. The Egress Throttle Group must be removed from the Egress Throttle List in the NOAM GUI before it can be deleted.