2.4.1 Diameter Capacity Constraints

The following table shows the maximum values per NE and per configuration component.

Table 2-1 Maximum Values per NE and per Configuration Component

Constraint Name Description Value Related Notes
AVP Removal List Maximum AVP Removal List managed object in a NE 128 MaxAVPRemovalListPerNE
AVP Removal List entries Maximum number of AVP Removal List entries in a AVP Removal List managed object 10 MaxAVPRemovalEntryPerList
Application IDs Maximum number configured per network element 1000 MaxConfiguredAppId
Application IDs per set Maximum number of AppIds per set 20 MaxConfiguredAppIdperSet
Application Routing Rules Maximum number configured per network element 50000 MaxARTRulesPerNE
Application Routing Table Rules Maximum number configured per network element 50000 MaxARTRulesPerNE
Application Routing Table rules with Contains operator Maximum number of ART rules with Contains operator 100 MaxArtRulesWithContainsPerArt
Application Routing Table rules with Contains operator Maximum number of characters for a parameter's value with Contains operator in condition of ART rule 50 MaxCharArtCondWithContains
Application Routing Table with Contains operator Maximum number of conditions in an ART rule with Contains operator 1 MaxCondWithContainsPerArr
Application Routing Tables Maximum number configured per network element 500 MaxArtTablesPerNe
APN Radius Routing Tables Maximum number of APNs in Radius Routing Table 10000 MaxApnRadiusRoutingRules
CCNDC Mapping Entries Maximum number of CCNDC Mapping Entries 2500 MaxCcNdcMappingPerNe
CEX Configuration Sets Maximum number that can be configured 2000 MaxConfiguredCEXSets
Capacity Configuration Sets Maximum number that can be configured 1000 MaxCapacityCfgSets
Command Codes Maximum number that can be configured. 1000 MaxConfiguredCmdCode
Connection Alarm Group Maximum number of configured Connection Alarm Groups per NE. 100 MaxConnectionAlarmGroupsPerNe
Connection Alarm Group Connections Maximum number of Connections in a Connection Alarm Group. 200 MaxConnsPerConnectionAlarmGroup
Connection Configuration Sets Maximum number configured per network element 2000 MaxConnConfigsPerNe
Connections Maximum number configured per network element 16000 MaxConnsPerNe
Connections per Peer Node Maximum number of connections configured per peer node 64 MaxConnsPerPeerNode
Connections per Route Group Maximum number per route group 512 MaxConnsPerRouteGroup
Connections with Message Throttling Configuration Sets Maximum connections that can have message throttling configuration sets assigned to them 500 MaxMsgThrottlingConnections
DA-MPs Maximum number configured per network element 16  
DNS Sets Maximum number defined per SO 64 MaxDnsSetsPerSO
Dashboard Network Maximum number of managed objects that can be defined 1 MaxDashboardNetworks
Dashboard Network Element Maximum number of managed objects that can be defined 32 MaxDashboardNetworkElements
Diagnose Connections Maximum number of diagnosed connections in test mode 2 MaxDiagnoseConnections
Diagnose PDUs Maximum number of PDUs per test connection for a single diagnostic cycle 1 MaxDiagnosePdu
Diameter Identity GTA Maximum number of Diameter Identity GTA records per network 5000 MaxDiamIds
Diameter Realm Maximum number of records per network 1000 MaxDiamRealms
Discovery Attributes Maximum number defined per network element 100  
Dynamic Peer Discovery Realms Maximum number of Dynamic Peer Discovery Realms defined at SO 100 MaxRealmsPerSO
ETG Pending Transaction Limiting Configuration Set Maximum number of ETG Pending Transaction Limiting Configuration Set defined at SO 128 MaxEtgsPendTransPerNe
ETG Rate Limiting Configuration Set Maximum number of ETG Rate Limiting Configuration Set defined at SO 128 MaxEtgsRateCfgSetPerNe
ETL Pending Transaction Limiting Configuration Set Maximum number of ETL Pending Transaction Limiting Configuration Set defined at NO 128 MaxEtlsPendTransPerNe
ETL Rate Limiting Configuration Set Maximum number of ETL Rate Limiting Configuration Set defined at NO 128 MaxEtlsRateCfgSetPerNe
Egress Message Throttling Configuration Sets User-configurable Egress Message Throttling Configuration Sets per NE 50  
Egress Throttle Groups Maximum number of Egress Throttle Groups 128 MaxEtgsPerNe
Egress Throttle Lists Maximum number of Egress Throttle Lists 128 MaxEtlsPerNe
GTA Range to PC Maximum number of GTA Range to PC records per NE 5000 MaxGtaRangetoPCPerNetworkType
HSS Real Hostnames per Configuration Sets Maximum number of HSS Real Hostnames per HSS Topology Hiding Configuration Sets that can be configured 300 MaxHssRealHostnamesPerCfgSet
HSS Real Hostnames per NW Maximum number of HSS Real Hostnames in the DSR network 50000 MaxHssRealHostnamesPerNw
Host Network Suffixes Maximum number host name suffixes per path topology hiding configuration set 10 MaxHostNameSuffixes
IP Addresses per Local Node Maximum number per local node 128 MaxIpsPerLocalNode
IP addresses per Peer Node IP addresses per peer node 128 MaxIpsperpeernode
IPs per NAS node Maximum IPs allowed per NAS Node 4 MaxIpsPerNASNode
Ingress Status-Server Configuration Sets Maximum number of Ingress Status-Server Configuration Sets allowed for a DSR node 100 MaxIngressStatusServerCfgSet
List Maximum managed objects in a DSR system 128  
Local Nodes per Connection Maximum number configured per 48  
Local Nodes per NE Maximum number configured per network element 48 MaxLocalNodesPerNe
MCC Ranges Maximum number of configured Reserved MCC Ranges 10 MaxConfiguredReservedMCCRanges
MME Real Hostnames Maximum number of in the DSR network 50000 MaxMMERealHostNamesPerNw
MME Real Hostnames per MME Topology Hiding Configuration Sets Maximum number of MME Real Hostnames per MME Topology Hiding Configuration Sets that can be configured 300 MaxMMERealHostNames
MME/SGSN Topology Hiding Configuration Sets Maximum number of MME/SGSN Topology Hiding Configuration Sets that can be configured 500 MaxMMETHCfgSet
Maintenance Screen Refresh Rate Time interval in seconds after which data is refreshed on the diameter maintenance screens 10 MaintenanceScreenRefreshRate
MccMnc Mappings Maximum MccMnc Mappings per NE 2500 MaxMccMncMappingPerNe
Members in a Egress Throttle Group Maximum number of members in a Egress Throttle Group 128 MaxMembersPerEtg
Message Authenticator Configuration Sets Maximum number of Message Authenticator Configuration Sets allowed for a DSR node 100 MaxMessageAuthCfgSet
Message Priority Configuration Set Rules Maximum number of configured rules per message priority configuration set 50 MaxRulesPerMsgPriorityCfgSet
Message Priority Configuration Sets Maximum number of configured Message Priority Configuration Sets 20 MaxMsgPriorityCfgSet
Message Throttling Configuration Sets Maximum number of configured Message Throttling Configuration Sets 50 MaxMsgThrottlingCfgSet
Metric Threshold Configuration Sets Maximum number of Metric Threshold Configuration Sets that can be user-defined 32 MaxDashboardMTCfgSets
Mobile Country Codes Maximum (Mcc) Mobile Country Codes per NE 2500 MaxMccPerNe
NAS Nodes Maximum number of NAS Nodes allowed for a DSR node 16000 MaxNASNodes
Path Topology Hiding Configuration Sets Maximum number configured 500 MaxPathTHCfgSet
Peer Node Alarm Group Maximum number of configured Peer Node Alarm Groups per NE. 100 MaxPeerNodeAlarmGroupsPerNe
Peer Node Alarm Group Peer Nodes Maximum number of Peer Nodes in a Peer Node Alarm Group. 200 MaxPeersPerPeerNodeAlarmGroup
Peer Node Groups Maximum number of Peer Node Groups that can be configured 2500 MaxPeerNodeGroups
Peer Nodes per NE Maximum number configured per network element 16000 MaxPeerNodesPerNe
Peer Nodes per Route Group Maximum Peer nodes per route group 160 MaxPeersPerRouteGroup
Peer Route Tables and Application IDs Associations Maximum number of Associations between Application IDs and Peer Route Tables 20 MaxPrtTableDiameterAppAssocs
Peer Routing Rules Maximum number configured per network element 50000 MaxPrtRulesPerNe
Peer Routing Table rule with Contains operator Maximum number of characters for a parameter's value with Contains operator in condition of PRT rule 50 MaxCharPrtCondWithContains
Peer Routing Table rules with Contains operator Maximum number of PRT rules with Contains operator 100 MaxPrtRulesWithContainsPerPrt
Peer Routing Table with a condition in rule Maximum number of conditions in a PRT rules with Contains operator 1 MaxCondWithContainsPerPrr
Peer Routing Tables Maximum number of configured Peer Route Table 500 MaxPrtTablesPerNe
Pending Answer Timers Maximum number configured per network element 16 MaxPendingAnswerTimers
Protected Network Configuration Sets Maximum number of Protected Network that can be configured 500 MaxProtectedNetwork
Reroute On Answer Maximum number of order pair combinations of Application ID and answer result code value that can cause a request re-routing 1000 MaxRerouteOnAnsOrderPair
Rf Message Copy Maximum number of APNs that need message copy to the Diameter MPN Proxy Peer. 10000 MaxApnRfMsgCopy
Route Groups Maximum number configured per network element 6000 MaxRouteGroupsPerNe
Route Groups per Route List Maximum Route groups per route list 5 MaxRouteGroupsPerRouteList
Route List/Route Group/Shared TTG Associations Maximum number across the entire DSR network 5000 MaxSharedTTGAssocPerNOAM
Route Lists Maximum number configured per network element 2000 MaxRouteListsPerNe
Routing Option Sets Maximum number of configured Routing Option Sets 50 MaxRoutingOptionSets
S6a/S6d HSS Topology Hiding Configuration Sets Maximum number configured 500 MaxHSSTHCfgSet
S9 AF/pCSCF Host Names Maximum number of S9 AF/pCSCF Real Hostnames in the DSR network 200000 MaxS9AfPcscfRealHostsPerNw
S9 AF/pCSCF Host Names per set Maximum number of S9 AF/pCSCF Real Hostnames per S9 AF/pCSCF Topology Hiding Configuration Sets that can be configured 1200 MaxS9AfPcscfRealHostsPerCfgSet
S9 AF/pCSCF Topology Hiding Configuration Sets Maximum number of S9 AF/pCSCF Topology Hiding Configuration Sets that can be configured 500 MaxS9AfPcscfThCfgSet
S9 PCRF Host Names per set Maximum number of S9 PCRF Real Hostnames per S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Sets that can be configured 600 MaxS9PcrfRealHostnamesPerCfgSet
S9 PCRF Real Host Names Maximum number of S9 PCRF Real Hostnames in the DSR network 100000 MaxS9PcrfRealHostnamesPerNw
S9 PCRF Topology Hiding Configuration Sets Maximum number that can be configured 500 MaxS9PcrfThCfgSet
Server Ports Maximum Server Ports Per Peer Node 10 RADIUS UDP Server Ports
Server Ports per Local Node Maximum Server Ports Per Local Node 10 MaxServerPortsPerLocalNode
Server Ports per Peer Node Maximum Server Ports Per Peer Node 10 MaxServerPortsPerPeerNode
Shared Secret Sets Maximum number allowed per network element 16000 MaxSharedSecretCfgSet
Shared Traffic Throttle Group Maximum number that can be marked as shared under the control of a single NOAM 1000 MaxSharedTTGPerDSR
Supported Vendor ID(s) Maximum number of supported vendor IDs per set 10 MaxSupportedVendorIdperSet
Target Set Address Maximum number of TSAs per local node 32 MaxTsasPerLocalNode
Test Connections Maximum number of test connections 2 MaxTestConnections
Traces Maximum number of configured Traces 100  
Traffic Measurements Maximum supported Route Groups for measurement capturing 250  
Traffic Throttle Group Maximum number configured per network element 500 MaxTraficThrottleGroup
Traffic Throttle Group Maximum TTG that can be associated with Route Group within Route List 10 MaxTTGperRGperRL
Traffic Throttle Point Maximum number allowed per network element 500 MaxTraficThrottlePoint
Traffic Throttle Point Configuration Sets Maximum number of TTP Configuration Sets configured in a network element 500 MaxTrafficThrottleCfgSet
Traffic Throttle Point per Traffic Throttle Group Maximum number in a Traffic Throttle Group 20 MaxTraficThrottlePointPerGroup
Transaction Configuration Rules per set Maximum number of configured Transaction Configuration Rules per Transaction Configuration Set 1000 MaxTransactionCfgRulePerSet
Transaction Configuration Set Maximum number of configured Transaction Configuration Set defined at SO 100 MaxTransactionCfgSetPerNe
Transaction Configuration Set Rules Maximum number of configured Transaction Configuration Set Rules defined at SO 1000 MaxTransactionCfgRulePerNe
Transport Layer Security Certificates Maximum number of TLS certificates allowed for a DSR node and across DSR network 1000 MaxTlsCertificatesAllowed
Trusted Network Lists Maximum number of Trusted Network Lists that can be configured 500 MaxTrustedNetworkList
Trusted Network Realm per Home Network Realm Maximum number of Trusted Network Realm per Home Network Realm that can be configured 100 MaxTrustedNetworkRealm
VRFID Radius Routing Tables Maximum number of VRFIDs in Radius Routing Table 10000 MaxVrfidRadiusRoutingRules