2.31 Diameter Peer Discovery

Peer Discovery (also know as Dynamic Peer Discovery [DPD]) allows an application to discover remote hosts within user-defined Realms and configures all required GUI elements for successful routing of diameter traffic between the signalling router and those remote hosts. This configuration is dynamic, and no user input is required at the time the routing GUI elements are created.

You can perform these tasks on an Active System OAM (SOAM).

In general, Peer Discovery configuration order is as follows:
  • Peer Node
  • CEXCfgSet
  • Connection
  • Route Group
  • Route List


This order is not guaranteed; in some configurations, variations associated with a particular Application ID could alter this order.

For a Diameter router to route messages properly, target entity information is required. This includes the network entity IP address, the transport protocol and ports that it uses to communicate, and what Diameter application it supports. This information about a remote host is managed by the Peer Node configuration. See Diameter Peer Nodes.

After a Peer Node is defined, one or more IP connections must be defined so that packets can be routed between the diameter router and the Peer Node. Connections identify the parameters that define an IP connection, and the CEX Configuration Set defines the Diameter Application IDs that the diameter router is authorized to send and receive over the connection. When the diameter signalling router and a diameter peer initially establish an IP connection between themselves, they negotiate the diameter services that can be carried on that IP connection. That negotiation involves the exchange of supported Diameter Application IDs.

For load balancing and redundancy purposes, multiple Peer Nodes that share certain characteristics can be grouped together into Route Groups. The diameter router uses the routing algorithms of the configured Route Groups and Route Lists when determining on which Connection to send a particular Diameter message.

Peer Discovery allows you to work with: