2.25 Diameter Traffic Throttle Groups

A Traffic Throttle Group (TTG) is a set of TTPs that share a common Application ID. A TTG is used for diverting transactions away from congested Route Groups (RGs). When a TTG is created and enabled for service, traffic loss is aggregated for the TTPs assigned to the TTG. Transactions are diverted away from congested RGs within a RL by assigning the TTG to a RG within a RL and assigning it a Maximum Loss Percentage Threshold. When the routing application selects a RG from a RL that is assigned an active TTG, it determines whether the TTG's Current Traffic Loss exceeds the RG's Maximum Loss Percentage Threshold. If the threshold is exceeded, that RG is bypassed for routing that transaction.

To make routing decisions at the Route List level it is necessary to aggregate some of the individual TTP-level data into data that represents the entire Route Group. This summary data is a Traffic Throttling Group (TTG). Only one parameter is summarized in the TTG:
  • The calculated Loss % of the TTG. This is the weighted (by Max ETR) average of the % loss in the available TTPs.

The routing application can use the congestion information in the TTGs to skip Route Groups in the Route List that do not meet threshold criteria for their congestion status. A typical use for skipping congested Route Groups is to prevent a routing application that cannot handle traffic due to congestion from sending that traffic to a mate routing application that is already equally overloaded.


Only TTGs that are configured locally can be administratively enabled or disabled by an SOAM. A Shared TTG owned by another site must be disabled at the owning site.

You can perform these tasks on an Active System OAM (SOAM).

You can perform the following actions for Traffic Throttle Groups:
  • Filter the list of Traffic Throttle Groups to display only the desired Traffic Throttle Groups.
  • Sort the list by column contents in ascending or descending order by clicking the column heading. The default order is by Traffic Throttle Groups Name in ascending ASCII order.
  • Click Insert.

    On the Traffic Throttle Groups [Insert] page, you can add a new Traffic Throttle Group. See Adding Traffic Throttle Groups.

    If the maximum number of Traffic Throttle Groups already exists in the system, an error message displays.

  • Select a Traffic Throttle Group Name in the list. Click Edit to display the Traffic Throttle Groups [Edit] page and edit the selected Traffic Throttle Group.

    See Editing Traffic Throttle Groups.

    If no Name is selected, Edit is disabled.

  • Select a Traffic Throttle Group Name in the list and click Delete to remove the selected Traffic Throttle Group.