2.24 Diameter Traffic Throttle Points

A Traffic Throttle Point (TTP) is the logical entity that contains the information that is required to perform (Peer Node, Application ID) ETR throttling. It contains user-defined configuration attributes and dynamic throttling information received from upstream Peer Nodes via DOIC.

The RT-DB TTP table contains:
  • User-defined TTP attributes
  • DOIC throttling information received by way of DOIC AVPs
  • Target ETR
  • Diverted OTR

When the routing application selects a Peer Node or Connection from a Route Group (or selects a Peer Node for implicit Routing), it checks if a TTP exists for the selected Peer Node/Connection and Application ID in the Request message. If an active TTP exists, ETR throttling can be applied.

When routing a Request message, which has an associated Active TTP with DOIC enabled, upstream Peer Nodes are notified that the node supports DOIC and provides a list of DOIC Abatement Algorithms. When an OC-Supported-Features AVP is sent in a Request message, it saves the TTP which triggered sending the DCA in the PTR. When an Answer response is received from a Peer Node and a non-NULL TTP is saved in the PTR, the application checks for DOIC AVPs that might contain a new overload report (OLR) or contain changes to an existing overload report being processed. Otherwise, the application does not check for DOIC AVPs in Answer responses. Any valid requests from the upstream Peer Node to reduce traffic are stored in the TTP and immediately applied.

A TTP is required to manage the DSR Diameter Overload Indication Conveyance (DOIC) relationship between the routing application and the reacting nodes. TTPs:
  • Control HostID/AppID pair scope
  • Manage configuration parameters
  • Track rate information
  • Track their administrative, operational and a throttling status

Information collected at the TTP level for DOIC throttling can be used to improve routing decisions.

You can perform these tasks on an Active System OAM (SOAM).

You can perform the following actions for Traffic Throttle Points:
  • Filter the list of Traffic Throttle Points to display only the desired Traffic Throttle Points.
  • Sort the list by column contents in ascending or descending order by clicking the column heading. The default order is by Traffic Throttle Points Name in ascending ASCII order.
  • Click Insert.

    On the Traffic Throttle Points [Insert] page, you can add a new Traffic Throttle Point. See Adding Traffic Throttle Points.

    If the maximum number of Traffic Throttle Points already exists in the system, an error message displays.

  • Select a Traffic Throttle Point Name in the list. Click Edit to display the Traffic Throttle Points [Edit] page and edit the selected Traffic Throttle Point.

    See Editing Traffic Throttle Points.

    If no Name is selected, Edit is disabled.

  • Select a Traffic Throttle Point Name in the list and click Delete to remove the selected Traffic Throttle Point.

    See Deleting Traffic Throttle Points.