2.7.3 Editing CEX Parameters

Use this procedure to change the Application ID Type, Vendor-Specific ID, or Vendor ID for a selected Application ID. (The Application ID field cannot be changed.)

The fields are described in Diameter CEX Parameters Elements.

When the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then CEX Parameters [Edit] page opens, the fields are populated with the current configured values.


If a CEX parameter is being used by a connection (Enabled/disabled) it cannot be edited.
  1. Click Diameter, and then Configuration, and then CEX Parameters.
  2. Select the Application ID row to be changed.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Change the Application ID Type, Vendor-Specific ID, or Vendor ID for the selected Application ID.
    The Vendor ID must be unique.
  5. Click OK, Apply, or Cancel.