2.12.3 Editing Peer Node Groups

Use this task to edit a Peer Node Group.

When the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Peer Node Groups [Edit] screen opens, the fields are initially populated with the current values for the selected Peer Node Group.

  1. Click Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Peer Node Groups.
  2. Select the Peer Node Group you want to edit, and click Edit.


    The Peer Node Group Name field is read-only on this page.
  3. Update the relevant fields.
    For more information about each field, see Table 2-17.
  4. Click OK, Apply, or Cancel.
    The following conditions exist:
    • You can only specify Peer Nodes whose Dynamic attribute is NO to be selected for inclusion in a Peer Node Group.
    • Peer Nodes created by the Dynamic Peer Discovery feature cannot be included by any Peer Node Group instance.
    • Peer Route Groups are always statically configured; no statically configured instance can refer to a dependent GUI element that was added to the configuration as a result of Dynamic Peer Discovery.