4.1 Overview

The Diameter Reports GUI pages provide access to the following reports:
  • Diagnostics Tool reports

    The Diagnostics Tool provides the capability to test Mediation Rule Templates that are in Test or Active state before they are subjected to live traffic in the network. A test message is injected into the system on a connection that is in Test Mode (see Diameter Maintenance Connections). At various tracepoints, the Diagnostics Tool logs the Rules that are applied, actions taken, and other diagnostic information on a test message that is injected into the system. The Diagnostics Tool Reports can be used to view the logged information for each test.

  • MP Statistics (SCTP) reports

    The MP Statistics (SCTP) Reports page displays the Message Processor (MP) SCTP statistics per MP, for all MPs or for a selected set of MPs. Each row shows the statistics for one MP.


Report generation time depends on a number of factors and may vary based on the number of records (that is, data size), CPU utilization during report generation, number of measurements/alarms/events, and number of reports selected. Decrease the number of selected reports if reporting tasks are not being completed in the desired time.