Bulk Importing of Certificates

The following steps outline the procedures necessary to bulk import certificates by uploading a valid XML certificates file from a local workstation.


The maximum allowed TLS/DTLS certificates is 1000. Attempting to import more than 1000 TLS/DTLS certificates, including existing certificates, results in an error message.
  1. Click Administration, and then Access Control, and then Certificate Management.
  2. Click Browse.
  3. Navigate to the location of the XML certificates file on the local workstation. Select the file and click Open.
    • Only XML file will be supported
    • The browsers upload window clears and the file name is presented next to the Browse button.
    • Ensure that the filename length including .extension is restricted to 255 characters.
  4. Click Upload File.
    During the upload process, checks are performed to verify a valid file extension and whether there is invalid data in the XML file being uploaded.