Configuring Metadata for Security Automation

There are three metadata pages to set security for Permissions, Roles, and Menus.

Page Name

Definition Name


Manage Permissions Page


Set security metadata for new permissions or change the security for existing permissions.

Manage Roles Page


Set security metadata for new roles or change the security for existing roles.

Manage Menus Page


Set security metadata for new menus or change the security for existing menus.

This table provides common fields and definitions.

The fields on this page may be display only or open fields depending on whether you are importing the data from an update image, or adding a row. The field or control descriptions use Displays for imported data and Enter, or Select for added rows.

Field or Control



Applied - Displays when an AE change is successfully applied.

Changed - Displays when an existing data is changed.

Error - Displays when the change is not applied successful.

Imported - Displays when changes are to be imported via Change Assistant.

New - Displays when new data is entered.

Tested - Displays when Permission List updates are applied in Test mode.

Bug Number

Displays the Bug ID that delivered the change in an Update Image.

Process Flag

Select the check box to apply the specified changes to your environment.

Description (Additional Information tab)

Displays the description of the updates being applied.

Updated by user (Additional Information tab)

Displays the user name who added or updated the row.


Add or remove rows from the grid.

Use the Manage Permissions page (EOPM_SUPD_PERM) to set security for new permissions or to change the security for existing permissions.


Enterprise Components > Security Deployment > Update Sec Deploy Permission

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage Permissions page.

Manage Permissions

Users can filter on existing rows of the metadata. Filtering can be done based on:

  • Permission List

  • Bug Number

  • Permission Type

  • Status

  • Filter By Process Flag

The following are the field definitions for the permission lists:

Field or Control


Permission List

Enter the Permission List that security updates are to be applied.


Applied - Displays when an AE change is successfully applied.

Changed - Displays when an existing data is changed.

Error - Displays when the change is not applied successful.

Imported - Displays when changes are to be imported via Change Assistant.

New - Displays when new data is entered.

Tested - Displays when Permission List updates are applied in Test mode.

Permission Type

Enter the type of permission for the metadata. Available options are:

  • Application Services

  • Autom. Config Template

  • Data Migration

  • Page

  • Component Interfaces

  • Query Trees and Access Group Permission

  • Search Groups

  • Process Groups and Process Profile Permissions

  • Web Libraries

  • Web Services


Displays the name for the corresponding Menu/CI/Query Tree/Search/Application Service/ACM Template based on permission type.

Item 2

Displays if the Permission Type is Page, Application Services, or Web Library.

Bug Number

Displays the Bug ID that deliverd the change in an Update Image.

Set Permissions

Select to access the Set Permissions page. Depending on the Permission type, a different modal window appears.

Process Flag

Select the check box to apply the specified changes to your environment.

Use the Manage Roles page (EOPM_SUPD_ROLE) to set security for new permissions or to change the security for existing permissions.


Enterprise Components > Security Deployment > Update Sec Deploy Role

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage Roles page.

Manage Roles

General Tab

Field or Control


Role Name

Enter the Role Name that security updates are to be applied.

Permissions List

Select the Permission List that is to be added or removed from the role.


Action to be taken for the permission for that role.


Select the link to open the Referencing Roles window. This window lists all roles cloned from the role being modified. To apply the same updates to cloned roles, select the Process Flag for each reference.

Use the Manage Menus page (EOPM_SUPD_MENU) to set security for new menu or to change the security for existing menu.


Enterprise Components > Security Deployment > Update Menus

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage Menus page.

Manage Menus

General Tab

Field or Control


Menu Name

Enter the Menu Name that security updates are to be applied.


Select the action to be performed on the Menu.


Select the link to open a window that lists all menus cloned from the menu being modified. To apply the same updates to cloned menus, select the Process Flag for each reference.