Creating the Channel

Once a delivered skill or a new skill is ready, the next step is to create a channel for it.

Channels are used as communication end points for ODA skills or Digital Assistants.

Each channel can be routed to a particular skill and it can be updated.

To create a new Web Channel for your skill, refer the ODA documentation on creating Web channels. You need to select the Channel Type as Oracle Web.

Configure the Oracle Web Channel

Note: While creating the Oracle Web Channel, note down the Channel Id value generated by the system. This value is added to the corresponding PeopleSoft Bot Definition of the chatbot in the Maintain Bot Definition Page. The Client Authentication Enabled option should be disabled.

To create a new Twilio channel for your skill, refer the ODA documentation on creating Text-Only channels.

Configure the Oracle Web Channel

Refer the My Oracle Support document 2681215.1 to set up the Twilio channel for a PeopleSoft chatbot.