Additional Pages Affecting Retroactive Processing

In addition to the pages described earlier in this documentation, several other pages affect retro processing. These pages are of two types—general setup pages and calendar setup. The following table describes these pages:

Page Type

Page Name


General Setup Page

Pay Entity - Processing Details

Define payment keys.

Retro adjustments respect payment key values when they are applied to a segment.

Calendar Setup Page

Run Types

Identify the run types that can process retro triggers. The run type is linked to a calendar, which is linked to a calendar group. If at least one calendar in the group is defined to process retro triggers, the calendar group uses the instructions defined for the run type as the default instructions for processing retro triggers.

Calendar Setup Page

Calendars - Definition

Specify the payees to process in a calendar run. You can select payees with retro triggers (active or inactive) for processing.

Calendar Setup Page

Calendar Group

Indicate whether to process retro triggers defaults from Run Type.

If at least one calendar allows retro triggers to be processed, the Process Retro Triggers check box will be selected. Otherwise it will be cleared. It can be cleared so that retro triggers are not processed. However, you cannot select it in order to process retro triggers if the default setting is cleared.