Defining Installation Settings

To define installation settings, use the Installation Table (INSTALLATION_TBL), Installation Settings (GP_INSTALLATION), and Countries (GP_COUNTRY) components.

When you install Absence Management, you select various settings and default values that are specific to your implementation.

Page Name

Definition Name


Products Page


Define the PeopleSoft applications installed.

Country Specific Page


Define country-specific information.

Installation Settings Page


Define installation settings that are unique to Absence Management.

Schedule Settings Page


Define default settings for work schedules.

Configuration Settings Page


Enable and configure feature settings.

Dates Table Load Page


Load dates for use in resolving schedules.

Countries Page


Define country-level setup parameters.

Use the Products page (INSTALLATION_TBL1) to define the PeopleSoft applications installed.


Set Up HCM > Install > Installation Table > Products

If your organization also uses PeopleSoft Payroll for North America or PeopleSoft Payroll Interface, select the appropriate check box as well.

Note: To use the Absence Management application, the Global Payroll Core check box might be cleared.

Use the Country Specific page (INSTALLATION_TBL3) to define country-specific information.


Set Up HCM > Install > Installation Table > Country Specific

Use the Country field to define the primary country in which your organization does business. This should be the country with the majority of your payees.

Use the Installation Settings page (GP_INSTALLATION) to define installation settings that are unique to Absence Management.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > System Settings > Installation Settings > Installation Settings

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Installation Settings page.

Installation Settings page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Installation Settings page.

Installation Settings page (2 of 2)

Checkpoint Intervals

Checkpoint intervals control how many employees are processed between database commits. You can select a different interval for the identify and calculate processing phases. Employees that are committed do not need to be recalculated if the run has to be restarted because of a technical error.

Field or Control


Progress Interval

Controls how often the process writes a line to the process log stating how many employees have been processed.

Absence Processing

Field or Control


Months of Absence History

Controls how many months of absence daily history to load into the batch process for use with the absence take element processing and duration element. The absence daily history is loaded from the result table, GP_RSLT_ABS.

Bundle PI on Output (bundle positive input on output)

Selecting this check box causes the system to consolidate positive input during the absence process, when possible, so that you can send a single row of positive input to payroll. Positive input entries for the same asbsence event that share the same percent and rate are combined; the unit, amount, and base values are summed In other words, the bundled generated positive input rows will be output from the absence process instead of daily rows. This is a consideration when considering the size of data storage for the generated positive input result table. Keep in mind, the daily earning/deduction element details will not be stored. This does not effect the actual earning/deduction calculation during the pay calculation. If this check box is off, daily rows would be inserted into the generated positive input result table from the absence process, and the daily rows would be bundled as part of the input process for the pay calculation.

See Absence Processing.

Absence Event Entry

Use the fields in this group box to configure the Create and Maintain Absence Requests Pageand the Approve Absence Requests Page.

Field or Control


Days Before Current Date and Days After Current Date

Use these fields to define the default date range that appears in the Search group box of the Create and Maintain Absence Requests page in the From Date and Through Date fields.

Role not allowed Approve Automatically

Users that have the role that you enter here cannot select the Approve Automatically value in the Submit Option field on the Create and Maintain Absence Requests page.

Hide Forecast Button

Select to hide the Forecast button on the Create and Maintain Absence Requests and Approve Absence Requests pages.

Hide Save For Later Button

Select to hide the Save For Later button on the Create and Maintain Absence Requests page.

Absence Analytics Settings

Use the fields in this group box to establish default settings for the Absence Cost Analysis, Absence Events Analysis, Absence Liability and Trends, and Periodic Absence Rate pivot grids that appear on the Absence Analytics Dashboard.

Field or Control


Days Before Current Date and Days After Current Date

Use these fields to define the default date range for which the pivot grids display information. You can change this date range when you access the individual pivot grids.

Access Type

Enter the access type that the pivot grids use to determine direct reports for managers.

For more information on the Absence Analytics Dashboard, see Using the Absence Analytics Dashboard Pagelets.

Enable Pivot Grid Analytics

Field or Control


Enable Pivot Grid Analytics

Select to enable the process that extracts data for the pivot grids that appear in the Absence Analytics Dashboard.

For more information, see Preparing and Loading Absence Analytics Data.

Payment Processing

Use this group box to define database-specific payment processing settings that are used when communicating payment information.

Field or Control


Database Identifier

Enter a unique alphanumeric identifier that the system adds to payment messages that it sends.

Payment Count

Enter the number of payments that you want the system to chunk together with each payment message. For example, if you enter 3000 here, the system will create and publish a separate payment message for every 3000 rows of payment data.

Packager Processing Defaults

Field or Control


Script Location

Enter the location where DMS scripts are created. The default will be blank. An example displays below the field to let you know how to enter the script location.

Note: The value will default for the rule and non-rule packages. This script location should match the location set up for the PSNT process scheduler in which you are using. This is set up in the psconfig.cfg file.

Compare Report Print Options

This group box controls the sections of the Compare Report that will be printed. Select the sections of the report to print . The options on the Packager Processing page will default the values selected each time you run a Compare Report. The check boxes can be overridden on the processing pages.

Values for the report sections include:

  • Errors/Warnings – Select to print the warning or errors that have occurred during the compare.

  • Modified – Select to print the elements that are different from the ones in the target database.

The above two options reflect the delivered defaults.

  • New – Select to print the new elements.

  • Deleted – Select to print the elements that will be deleted.

  • Unchanged – Select to print the elements that have not changed.

Continue Upgrade Processing

This group box controls the ability to upgrade when there are errors or warnings. The default for each value is cleared.

Valid values include:

  • With Errors – Select to upgrade the package even if there are errors after the compare.

  • With Warnings – Select to upgrade the package even if there are warnings after the compare.

Use the Schedule Settings page (TL_INSTL_PUNCH) to define default settings for work schedules.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > System Settings > Installation Settings > Schedule Settings

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Schedule Settings page.

Schedule Settings page

Field or Control


Load Dates

Click to access the Dates Table Load page where you can load the range of dates to be used in schedules. Dates from 1994 to 2014 are pre-loaded. You need only use this feature to load dates before or after this date range.

Schedule Resolution

Specify how to resolve schedule changes.

Select Take Last Schedule Update to have the system use the last update to resolve an employee's schedule, whether the update comes from a third-party, workforce scheduling system or an online override.

Select Take Online Override to have the system look for an online schedule override to resolve the schedule for the day. The system does not look for changes from a third-party workforce scheduling system.

Schedule Totaling

This field applies only if People Soft Enterprise Time and Labor is installed. Specify whether to include or exclude meal times, breaks, or both in the scheduled hours totals on schedule definitions, shift definitions, and the Manage Schedules page. Options are Exclude Meals and Breaks, Include Meals and Breaks, Include Meals, and Include Breaks. The default is Include Breaks.

Default Punch Pattern

Specify the default sequence for displaying punch types on the scheduling pages. You can also use the Grid Column Heading fields to modify the punch type labels that are to appear as column headings on the schedule pages.

Payable Time Approvals

Field or Control


Retain basic (non-AWE) model (retain basic non-Approval Workflow Engine model)

Select to use the basic model for approving Time and Labor payable time instead of Approval Workflow Engine.

Email Notifications

Field or Control


Enable Notifications

Select to enable email notifications. You cannot select any of the check boxes in the Manager Notifications or Employee Notifications group boxes unless the Enable Notifications check box is selected.

Note: Oracle PeopleSoft delivers Notification Composer Framework to manage the setup and administration of all notifications in one central location.

Once you have adopted the Notification Composer feature, you must use it to create new notifications and manage your existing notifications.

Notifications delivered with HCM Image 47 or later must use Notification Composer.

For more information about Notification Composer Framework, see Understanding Notification Composer.

Manager Notifications

Field or Control


Exception Generated

Select to generate a notification when an exception is generated.

Scheduled Event Modified

Select to generate a notification when a scheduled event is modified.

Payable Time Needs Approval

Select to generate a notification when payable time needs approval.

Employee Notifications

Field or Control


Payable Time Is Approved

Select to generate a notification when payable time is approved.

Use the Configuration Settings page (GP_ACTIVAT_SETTING) to enable and configure feature settings.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > System Settings > Installation Settings > Configuration Settings

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Configuration Settings page.

Configuration Settings page

Feature Settings

Field or Control


Enable Positive Input Search

Select to enable the Positive Input Search page. If this check box is deselected, users trying to access the Positive Input Search page receive an error message explaining that this check box must be selected before the page can be accessed.

Positive Input Day Limit

Enter the number of days in history for which the keyword search retrieves results on the Positive Input Search Page. For example, if the value in this field is 100,, the search looks for positive input entries that match your keywords and that were entered 100 days ago or less.

Enable Payroll Analytics

Select to enable access to the Global Payroll Analytics Page. If this check box is deselected, users trying to access the page receive an error message explaining that this check box must be selected before the page can be accessed.

Enable Working Area

Select to calculate work item counts during the payroll process. They system displays these counts on the Payroll Work Items Page.

Enable Cobol Tracing

Select to enable the Cobol Trace Parameters functionality on the Debug and Tuning Options Page.

Enable Processing Monitor

Currently, this functionality is not supported in PeopleSoft.

Enable Payroll Job Scheduling

Select to enable the scheduling of Payroll Job. If this option is selected the user can schedule the payroll job for Calculate (and Recalculate) option. The system retains the calendar control run parameters for scheduled run and in case if multiple users finalize or cancel the calendar, the stored run control parameters are deleted and its corresponding scheduled job is also cancelled. In case the user who scheduled the payroll job is different from the one who cancels or finalizes the calendar the mail notification is sent to user who scheduled the job about deletion of stored run control parameters and cancelation of scheduled run.

Use the Countries page (GP_COUNTRY) to define country-level setup parameters.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > System Settings > Countries > Countries

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Countries page.

Countries page

Note: Although the fields on the Countries page are not directly applicable to Absence Management, you must use the Countries component to define a country record for each country that uses the Absence Management application. Creating country records is a prerequisite to defining self-service absence entry rules and for using some other features.

Field or Control


Net Pay Validation Formula

This field is not applicable to Absence Management.

Default Retroactive Method

Values are Corrective and Forwarding. The only valid value for Absence Management is Corrective.

On Conflict Retroactive Method

Select which retroactive method, Corrective or Forwarding. The only valid value for Absence Management is Corrective.

Prorate Assignments Start Date

This field is used when the Process Assignment Option is Active Anytime within Segment. It is not used with Absence Management.

Store Non-Zero Delta Component

Select this check box in order for the system to store any delta amount or delta component that has a nonzero value, regardless of the setting on the Element Name (GP_PIN) page, Results group box for the element. Clear this check box in order for deltas to inherit the element's store option.

The following table provides an overview of how the system interprets the check box settings at different levels:

Element Store Option

Country Delta Option

Element is Stored

Delta is Stored

















Note: For additional information regarding retroactivity, see Understanding Retroactive Processing.

MultiContract Processing Order

Select this check box to set the processing order to Emplid/Empl_Rcd for Swiss clients with Multi Contract. This field is displayed only for CHE Switzerland.

Use Current Results + Adjustment

The check boxes in this group box are not applicable to Absence Management.

Process Payee Assignments

The Process Assignments Option field determines when to process earning or deduction payee assignments. The options are:

  • Active as of the Segment End Date: Select to have an element entered on the payee assignment page processed if the assignment is active as of the segment end date.

  • Active Anytime within Segment: Select to have an element entered on the payee assignment page processed and prorated for rows falling within a segment in addition to rows active as of the segment end date.

    Note: This option is used when the proration of earning/deduction assignments is desired. This is the first in a series of steps to setting up the proration of earning/deduction assignments functionality. Additionally a segmentation trigger definition must be defined for the payee assignment record (GP_PYE_OVRD).

Supporting Element Overrides

The Payee Level field determines the level at which Payee Supporting Element Overrides are resolved.

Available options are:

  • By Segment: Override value applies to the full segment.

  • By Slice: Override value can be resolved separately for each slice in case of Element Segmentation.

If no value is selected in this field, the option ‘By Segment’ is taken by default.