Understanding Calendars

This section lists common elements and discusses:

  • Calendar process flow.

  • Creating calendars.

Field or Control



Identifies which payees to process and the run type and absence period. It can include instructions for generation control, excluding certain elements from processing, overriding supporting elements, and providing other information.

Calendar Group

When you start an absence process, you must enter the calendar group ID that identifies the calendar or set of calendars to process, or in the case of off-cycle runs, the set of off-cycle groups to process.

You can process multiple calendars or off-cycle groups simultaneously. Calendar groups are keyed by country, so you can include multiple calendars or off-cycle groups for the same country in a single calendar group.


Defines the absence period and frequency for your processing run.

You attach an absence period to an absence run by linking it to a calendar. Like run types, absence periods are reusable.

Run Type

A user-defined method of identifying an absence run. The run type identifies the process list to use, whether to process retroactive triggers. It's also used in generation control, historical rules, and retroactive matching processes.

You attach a run type to an absence run process by linking it to a calendar. Because you define the run type information outside the calendar, you can link the same run type to multiple calendars. For example, if a weekly and a monthly pay group use the same process list, you might set up one run type and link it to multiple calendars. The effective date enables you to switch process lists or retroactive trigger processing actions and yet reproduce a retroactive calculation with old settings.

When processing an absence run, the system must determine which payees to process; what earnings, deductions, and other elements to process for selected payees; and what time period to process.

For on-cycle processing, calendars unify this information. Calendars link the components that tell the system whom and what to process for which absence period.

Note: With off-cycle processing, off-cycle groups, rather than calendars, identify which payees to process, the elements to process, and the time period.

This diagram illustrates how components interact to produce an on-cycle absence batch processing run.

Component Interaction

To create calendars, use the Calendars (GP_CALENDAR) component or the Automatic Calendar Creation (GP_AUTO_CAL) component. You can use the CI_GP_CALENDAR component interface to load data into the table for the GP_CALENDAR component.

Calendars bring payees in a selected pay group together with the rules and processes for calculating an absence run. You can define calendars by:

  • Defining a single calendar with the Calendars component.

    When you define a calendar with this feature, you can enter instructions for generation control, overrides, or elements to exclude from processing.

  • Using the Automatic Calendar Creation component to define multiple calendars simultaneously.

    You can use the Calendars component to edit an automatically generated calendar.

Note: Before you create calendars you must define the run type and period ID associated with the calendar.

See Prerequisites.