Completing Regulated Individual Development Reviews

Page Name

Definition Name


Complete RI Development Review - Select Regulated Individual Page



Displays a list of the compliance manager/supervisor's regulated individuals. Managers/supervisors select the regulated individual for whom they want to complete a development review.

RI Development Review Page




Managers complete development reviews. Using the pages, managers select statuses for development plan areas, and add optional comments about a particular area. They can also update review dates and the review status.

Compliance managers and supervisors use the Complete RI Development Review transaction to select regulated individuals from a list and then review their development plans. The list of regulated individuals is limited to those under the control of the compliance manager/supervisor, and the development plans available for review include only those for which the expected completion date (defined on the Development Record page) has not yet passed.

Before you can complete this transaction, you must define your development plans and enroll individuals in these plans as part of Manage Professional Compliance setup in HR.