eDevelopment Business Processes

eDevelopment is comprised of self-service transactions that interface with the PeopleSoft Human Resources (HR) system.

Employees use eDevelopment to:

  • Maintain their personal profiles.

  • View job profiles.

  • Search and compare job profiles.

  • Create an interest list of job profiles in which they are interested.

  • Review approval history of profiles

  • Request training.

  • Review their training information.

Managers use eDevelopment to:

  • Review and update profiles for their direct reports.

  • Approve profile changes.

  • Search and compare profiles.

  • View and maintain job profiles.

  • Complete reviews and observations for regulated individual reports.

  • Request training for their direct reports.

  • Review training information for their direct reports.

Faculty members use eDevelopment to enter the following training and development information:

  • Professional training.

  • Activities, administrative posts, and teaching responsibilities.

  • Presentations and publications.

  • Committees.

  • Student advising.