Setting Up Job Opening Posting Templates

To set up job opening posting templates, use the Job Opening Posting (HRS_JO_PST_TMPL) component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Posting Template Page


Create a job opening posting template.

Job opening posting templates control which sections, or posting description types are available to include in a job posting.

Posting description types are categories of information that you can assemble when constructing a job posting. For example, your organization might have posting description types such as Qualifications, Responsibilities, and How to Apply.

When you define a job opening posting template, you select from the posting description types that you set up on the Posting Description Type page.

Before you can set up a job posting template, define posting description types.

See Setting Up the Job Posting Description Library.

Use the Posting Template page (HRS_JO_PST_TMPL) to create a job opening posting template.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Recruiting > Templates > Job Opening Posting Template > Posting Template

This example illustrates the Posting Template page.

Posting Template page

Template Details

Field or Control


Job Opening Posting ID

Template IDs are automatically assigned when you create the template.

Status and Status Date

Indicate whether the definition is Active or Inactive and the date that the status was assigned. Only active templates are available for selection in recruitment templates. The system displays a warning if you attempt to inactivate a template that is used in a recruitment template.


Enter an identifying name for this template A descriptive name helps you when you reference the template from within a recruitment template.

Requisition Pages to Include

This grid lists all active posting description types.

Field or Control



Select this check box for each posting description type that you want to include in the job posting.

Seq Nbr (sequence number)

Enter the order in which you want the posting description type to appear in the job posting.