The Delegation Process

This topic provides an overview of delegation through self service.

Note: This overview provides only basic information about the delegation framework. For more complete documentation, see Working with Self-Service Delegation and its related topics.

Delegator Delegates Approval Authority

A delegator follows these steps to delegate approval authority:

  1. Navigate to the Manage Delegation component (Self Service > Manage Delegation).

  2. Click the Create Delegation Request link.

    Delegators who have multiple jobs will have to indicate the job for which they are delegating approvals.

  3. Enter From Date and To Date for the delegation request, then click the Next button.

  4. Select the transactions to be delegated (job opening approval, job offer approval, or both), then click the Next button.

  5. Select a proxy.

  6. Select the Notify Delegator check box, then click Submit.

  7. Click OK.

    The system generates a notification to the selected proxy.

Proxy Accepts Delegation Request

A proxy follows these steps to accept approval authority:

  1. Navigate to the Manage Delegation component (Self Service > Manage Delegation).

  2. Click the Review My Delegated Authorities link to access the My Delegated Authorities page.

  3. Click the Accept button.

    Alternatively, the proxy can click the Reject button to reject the delegation.

The Delegation Authority Ends

The delegator can manually revoke the delegation, or the delegation can end because it has reached its end date. In both cases, any pending approvals are removed from the proxy's queue and added back to the delegator's queue.