Calculating Amount Earnings

There are 20 earnings elements that use a variety of methods to determine the calculation rule Amount.

Six earning elements use a flat amount: FAD (first aid allowance) PHONE, CAR, PPL (paid parental leave), PRDBON (product bonus), and TRANS ADV (advance payment example).

Note: For paid parental leave, enter the PPL amount on the One Time (Positive Input) page, and enter the leave start and end dates on the Supporting Elements page as overrides to the delivered variables PPL VR START DT and PPL VR END DT.

Most of the earning elements used during termination payouts use formulas in their calculation rules. They are documented in separate topics.

Four of the earnings have an Amount calculation rule that does not appear in a section; therefore they are not resolved. You use them as data input points, and the system uses them in lump sum D and ETP calculations. These earnings elements are REDUNDANCY, INVALIDITY, EX GRATIA, and PAY IN LIEU.

The RETRO12MTH earning element is populated by the results of the retro process, in which the formula RTO SELECT OVRDSET determines the retro override set that is used, and one of the sets forwards the earning amount to the RETRO12MTH element.