Making Statutory and Customary Superannuation Deductions

The following deductions are for the common super contributions.

Deduction Name

Calculation Rule


SGCMAN (super - mandatory)


Base × Percent

The superannuation guarantee (SG) contribution mandated by Australian legislation. Employers normally pay this on behalf of the employees. This is defined to be a percentage of the employee's actual gross earnings for the period. The PeopleSoft-delivered variable AUS VR SGCMAN PCT holds this user-maintainable value.

ER ADDLSPR (employer additional super)


Base × Percent

The super contribution that the company pays in addition to the percentage mandated by the legislation. This is a percentage of the employee's actual gross earnings. The employer defines the value of the percentage. The PeopleSoft-delivered variable SUP VR ERADDL PCT holds this user-maintainable value.

EE SSSPR (employee salary sacrifice super)


Base × Percent

The super contribution that an employee pays as a salary sacrifice. This is defined as a percentage of the employee's actual gross earnings. The percentage is entered at the payee level as a deduction assignment. Refer to the description of the ER MATCHSPR deduction.

AWARDMAN (award - mandatory)



The super contribution likely to be used by award-based employees. It shows how super can be calculated using a tier-based calculation. With the amount being calculated from a formula SUP FM TIERBSD AMT

ER MATCHSPR (employer matching super)


Base × Percent

The super contribution that the company voluntarily pays on behalf of an employee who contributes to super through salary sacrifice. This shows how a company can match the employee contribution. Only employees with EE SSSPR receive this deduction. Refer to the description of the EE SSSPR deduction.

EE SUPER (employee super)



The super contribution that an employee pays as an after-tax deduction. This is defined as a flat amount. Employees need to be enrolled to have this deduction taken. The amount is entered at the payee level as a deduction assignment.