Creating the BDA Report

The Bordereau de Déclaration Annuelle (BDA) summarizes the previous year's ASSEDIC contributions. Use the DUCS pages to set up the BDA reporting process, generate BDA data, and create the BDA report.

This section discusses how to:

  • View the BDA declaration type.

  • Create a BDA declaration definition.

  • Set up BDA data extraction.

Access the Declaration Type page.

This page allows you to view the BDA file type used to generate BDA data through the DUCS process.

Field or Control


File Type

Select 922 for BDA for one establishment, or 923 for BDA for several establishments.

Access the DUCS Definition page.

This page allows you to create a specific DUCS declaration definition for BDA processing. Reproduce the setup created for monthly ASSEDIC DUCS, ignoring the payment type and source bank fields.

Field or Control


Establishment List

Enter the DUCS Establishment list data. These are the establishments you want to declare through your DUCS definition.

Access the DUCS Preparation Run Control page.

This page allows you to establish which data is extracted for the BDA report.

Field or Control


Period Format

Select Yearly Qualifier.