Extracting DSN Data - Monthly

Once you complete the setup for DSN and successfully run the payroll process, you can run the monthly DSN process.

Use the Run DSN Monthly Extraction FRA (DSN Monthly Run page /Extraction Data) page to run the DSN extraction process based on the calendar month. On running the DSN process, based on the sending reference, a DSN file will be created. The user can also extract all sending references within a single run. There will be only one DSN extraction for a month.

Page Name

Definition Name


DSN Monthly Run Page


Used to select the sending reference(s) and other extraction parameters. You can run the DSN extraction process using this page.

Extraction Data Page


Used to select the nodes that needs to be present in the extracted file. You can run the DSN extraction process using this page.

Use the DSN Monthly Run page (GPFR_DSN_MT_RUN) to select the sending reference(s) and other extraction parameters.


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Social Security/ Insurance > Run DSN Monthly Extraction FRA > DSN Monthly Run Page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the DSN Monthly Run page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

DSN Monthly Run Page

Note: Extraction ID is automatically created based on the selection of the fields Year and Month. This page should be saved before going to the Extraction Data page.

Extraction Header Parameters

Field or Control



Select the year for which DSN declaration is made.


Select the check box when you are ready to finalize the run. Once you finalize the run, no more extractions are possible for the period.

Extraction Detail Parameters

Field or Control


Sending Reference replace

Select the checkbox if you are replacing an already extract file with a new one based on new information.

Sending Reference select

Select the checkbox if you want the Company/Establishments configured as part of the Sending Reference to be extracted in the file.

Sending Reference delete

Select this checkbox if you want to delete the extract Sending Reference from the file.

Use the Extraction Data page (GPFR_AF_EXTR_RUN) to select/de-select nodes attributes and change parameters. All the nodes for the monthly type DSN will be populated in the Extraction Data page. You can select the nodes that needs to be present in the extracted file.


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Social Security/ Insurance > Run DSN Monthly Extraction FRA > Extraction Data page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Extraction Data page (1 of 3). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Extraction Data Page (1 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Extraction Data page (2 of 3).

Extraction Data Page (2 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Extraction Data page (3 of 3).

Extraction Data Page (3 of 3)

Field or Control


Extraction ID

The Extraction ID will be automatically populated based on the Year and Month field selected on the page DSN Extraction Run. The parameters of which can be changed using Parameters link next to it.


The parameters can be changed by clicking on the Parameters link. You can also select the applicable DSN version here.

Debug Mode

Select to generate a log file with the extraction run.

Stream Number

Use this option when you want to generate for a selective list of employees.

Each stream number specifies a range of employees. During DSN data extraction run, if stream number is set as parameter, system extracts the data only for the range of employees specified under the selected stream number.

Group List ID

Use this option when you want to generate for a selective list of employees.

During DSN data extraction run, if group list is set as parameter, system extracts the data only for the employees specified under the selected Group List ID.