Gross Salary Changes

This section discusses:

  • Managing gross salary changes in the current year.

  • Gross salary calculation steps and elements.

  • Controlling retro calculations.

The logic used to manage gross salary changes depends on the organization collecting the contributions:

  • For URSSAF, ASSEDIC, and CSG/CRDS, the system performs a partial recalculation of the gross salary elements.

  • For other contributions such as ARRCO and tax levies, Global Payroll for France performs a full recalculation of the gross salary elements.

This section provides an overview of both of these approaches.

Note: The explanations provided here deal specifically with recalculations in the current year using the corrective rules delivered by PeopleSoft. PeopleSoft does not deliver specific rules for processing retroactive changes in prior years.

Partial Recalculation

Some organizations such as URSSAF and ASSEDIC require that gross salary elements be submitted to the contribution rates in effect on the payment date. For example, if a payee receives a retroactive pay increase, the contribution rates of the current period should be applied to the gross salary deltas, rather than those in effect in the recalculated period (as the pay increase is only realized in the current period).

Global Payroll for France manages gross salary changes for URSSAF, ASSEDIC, and CSG/CRDS by:

  • Recalculating the gross salary, taking into account the elements modified retroactively.

  • Storing the recalculated gross in accumulators.

  • Retrieving the old value of the gross rather than the recalculated gross to determine contributions in a prior period.

    Note: The system recalculates the gross, taking into account the retroactive changes in salary. However, when calculating the funding base for URSSAF and ASSEDIC, the system does not use the recalculated gross but the "old value" of this gross.

  • Recalculating funding bases, based on the old gross value, using standard rules.

  • Using the annual regularization of contributions principle to process the recalculated gross deltas in the current period. Based on this principle, the system compares, in the current period, the gross salary effectively used (submitted gross) to calculate the funding bases, and the recalculated gross salary (real gross).

    • If no retro calculation is triggered or if the gross salary hasn't changed retroactively, the submitted gross and the real gross are equal, and there are no gross deltas to process.

    • If a retro calculation occurs with a change in the gross salary, the submitted gross and the real gross are different. This difference (positive or negative) corresponds to the gross delta and is added to the gross calculated for the current period, where it is submitted to current contribution rates.

Note: The process described here is referred to as a partial recalculation because the gross salary used is the "old" or "previously calculated" gross.

Note: If a contribution rate changes retroactively but there is no change to the gross salary (no gross salary delta), the new rate is applied to the old value of the funding base. This is in keeping with the rule that the contribution rate to apply is the one in effect on the payment date.

Full Recalculation

For other contributions such as ARRCO, AGIRC, contingency funds, and tax levies, Global Payroll for France performs a full recalculation of the gross salary. In other words, the system does not retrieve the old gross values, but fully recalculates both the gross salary and the funding bases, and replaces the original calculations with the new ones (in keeping with the logic of the corrective retro method).

In addition, Global Payroll for France uses the full recalculation method whenever a retro mismatch situation occurs, regardless of the social organization. The reason for this is that mismatches produce reversal segments that completely cancel the initial calculations. This prevents the old value of the gross salary elements from being retrieved during retroactive processing.

Note: As a general rule, the full recalculation method is used to process gross salary changes for social organizations with rates that are fixed for the year. The partial recalculation method is used to process changes for social organizations with rates that occasionally vary during the year.

Warning! If the system fully recalculates the gross salary and funding bases in a situation in which rates also change between the recalculated and the current period, the gross retro deltas may be submitted to the old rate instead of the current rate. If this occurs, it is possible to manually enter, for a specific earning, the gross delta using positive input in the current period. However, you should consider the possible consequences of this solution, as it may prevent salary history from being correctly recorded in the system.

See Understanding Complex Retro Processing.

This section discusses:

  • Gross salary and funding base calculation steps for URSSAF, ASSEDIC, and and CSG/CRDS.

  • Example of a gross salary recalculation for URSSAF.

Gross Salary and Funding Base Calculation Steps for URSSAF, ASSEDIC, and CSG/CRDS

Global Payroll for France goes through the following steps to calculate the gross salary and funding bases for each organization:

  1. Initialization: The system determines the ceilings to use for the different organizations (URSSAF, ASSEDIC, and CSG/CRDS).

  2. Gross salary calculation: The system calculates the different earnings and deductions included in the gross salary.

  3. URSSAF, ASSEDIC, and CSG/CRDS-specific gross base calculation:

    • If there is a retroactive calculation, the system retrieves the old value of the base.

    • If the calculation is in the current period, the system calculates the gross deltas not submitted to contributions, and adds them to the current gross salary to determine the gross base.

  4. Calculation of contribution funding bases: The system calculates the funding bases for the contributions by applying the ceiling limitations and exemptions based on the gross base for each organization (URSSAF, ASSEDIC, and so on).

Element Type





The accumulator GEN AC BRUT SG is a generic accumulator storing all gross salary elements. It is used to populate the gross elements (accumulators or variables) for each organization:

  • URSSAF: the segment accumulator URS AC BRUT SG stores the gross used in the URSSAF funding base calculation.

  • ASSEDIC: the segment accumulator ASS AC BRUT SG stores the gross used in the ASSEDIC funding base calculation.

  • ARRCO: the segment accumulator ARC AC BRUT SG stores the gross used in the ARRCO funding base calculation.

  • AGIRC: the segment accumulator AGI AC BRUT SG stores the gross used in the AGIRC funding base calculation.

  • Contingency Fund: the segment accumulator PRV AC BRUT SG stores the gross used in the contingency funding base calculation.

  • CSG/CRDS: the segment accumulator TAX AC ASS CSG SG stores the gross used in the CSG/CRDS funding base calculation.


This accumulator stores the yearly gross salary submitted to URSSAF contributions.


This accumulator stores the "real" URSSAF gross salary, which includes any gross deltas.


This accumulator stores the yearly gross salary submitted to ASSEDIC contributions.


This accumulator stores the "real" ASSEDIC gross salary, which includes any gross deltas.


This accumulator stores the gross salary submitted to CSG/CRDS contributions.


This accumulator stores the "real" CSG/CRDS gross salary, which includes any gross deltas.



This formula is called in the contribution section URS SE COTISATION to manage the gross salary for URSSAF during retro corrective calculations.

Note: This formula can be removed from the section without affecting normal contribution calculations if you do not process corrective retro.


This formula is called in the contribution section ASS SE COTISATIONS to manage the gross salary for ASSEDIC in retro corrective calculations.

Note: This formula can be removed from the section without affecting normal contribution calculations if you do not process corrective retro.


This formula is called in the contribution section TAX SE CSG CRDS to manage the gross salary for CSG/CRDS in retro corrective calculations.

Note: This formula can be removed from the section without affecting normal contribution calculations if you do not process corrective retro.

The calculation process uses these elements as follows:

  1. When a segment is processed in retro corrective mode, Global Payroll uses the formulas URS FM BRUT REEL, ASS FM BRUT REEL and TAX FM BRT CSG REEL to:

    1. Retrieve the old value of the gross segment accumulator (URS AC BRUT SG, ASS AC BRUT SG, ARC AC BRUT SG, AGI AC BRUT SG, PRV AC BRUT SG, TAX AC ASS CSG SG).

    2. Assign the old value to the gross segment accumulator processed in the retro calculation.

    3. Add the recalculated gross value to the yearly real gross accumulator (URS AC BRUT REEL AN, ASS AC BRT REEL AN, TAX AC BRT CSG AN).

  2. When a segment is processed in the current period or processed in retro forwarding mode, Global Payroll uses the formulas URS FM BRUT REEL, ASS FM BRUT REEL, and TAX FM BRT CSG REEL to:

    1. Calculate the gross delta not submitted to contributions by subtracting the submitted gross accumulator (URS AC BRUT AN, ASS AC BRUT AN, TAX AC ASS CSG AN) from the real gross accumulator (URS AC BRUT REEL AN, ASS AC BRT REEL AN, TAX AC BRT CSG AN).

    2. Add the delta calculated in step 2a to the current gross segment accumulator (URS AC BRUT SG, ASS AC BRUT SG, ARC AC BRUT SG, AGI AC BRUT SG, PRV AC BRUT SG, TAX AC ASS CSG SG).

    3. Submit the amount calculated in step 2b to the funding base and contribution calculations for each social organization, using the contribution rates in effect in the current period.

Note: The URSSAF, ASSEDIC, and CSG/CRDS calculations described here are referred to as partial recalculations because the gross salary used is the "old" or "previously calculated" gross. By contrast, when calculating other contributions such as ARRCO and tax levies in corrective mode, the system fully recalculates the gross salary to determine the funding bases.

Example of a Gross Salary Recalculation for URSSAF

The following example of an URSSAF calculation illustrates the processing logic.

In this example:

  • An employee is paid 100 EUR in January.

  • In February, the employee's salary increases to 110 EUR. This change is retroactive to January.




Salary = 100

Retro = No

Segment Gross Accum = 100

Annual Gross Accum = 100

Annual Real Gross Accum = 100

Salary = 110

Retro = No

Segment Gross Accum = 110 + 110 - 100 = 120

Annual Gross Accum = 220

Annual Real Gross Accum = 220


Salary = 110

Retro = Yes

Segment Gross Accum = 100 (equal to the old value of the accumulator)

Annual Gross Accum = 100 (stores the value of the segment gross accumulator used in the recalculation)

Annual Real Gross Accum = 110 (stores the value of the recalculated gross salary)

In the January recalculation (V2R1), the system uses the old value of the gross segment accumulator (URS AC BRUT SG) calculated in V1R1 (100) rather than the true, recalculated gross (110) stored in the annual real gross accumulator (URS AC BRT REEL AN). In the January recalculation period, the value of the annual submitted gross (URS AC BRUT AN) is therefore less than the value of the real gross (URS AC BRT REEL AN).

In February, the difference between the submitted and the real gross is eliminated, as the delta between these amounts—calculated by subtracting the submitted gross accumulator (URS AC BRUT AN) from the real gross accumulator (110 – 100)—is added to the current February segment gross (110), and the resulting amount is added to the total annual amount submitted to contributions (URS AC BRUT AN).

You can override the delivered partial recalculation of changes to the gross salaries for URRSAF, ASSEDIC, and CSG/CRDS by assigning a value of 1 to the following variables:

Social Organization








When you change the value of these variables to 1, the system fully recalculates and replaces the gross salaries in the recalculation period. If you do not override the variables URS VR RTO CONTROL, ASS VR RTO CONTROL, or TAX VR RTO CONTROL, the system uses the logic described earlier to manage the URSSAF, ASSEDIC, and CSG/CRDS gross accumulators.

Note: The only override value you can enter for the retro control variables is a value of 1. Other overrides are not considered. In other words, you are only authorized to force a full recalculation of the gross salary in cases of retroactivity.

Note: You can override the value of these variables at several different levels depending on your requirements: the pay entity level, the pay group level, or the payee level.