Paid Vacation Accruals Calculations

There are two accruals associated with a paid vacation: one for the current year and one for previous years. The formula PRO FM EC CP+CHARG retrieves the paid vacation accruals plus the theoretical contributions that apply to it for the current year (that is, for the paid vacation entitlements calculated beginning on June 1).

The formula PRO FM EP CP+CHARG retrieves the paid vacation accruals plus the theoretical contributions that apply to it for the previous years.

The calculation for determining the accrual compares one-tenth of the annual salary to a calculation based on the Salary Uphold rule and accepts the most favorable amount.

The formula PRO FM TX CHARGES calculates the employer's contribution rate based on the payee's gross salary.

To apply a lump-sum contribution rate for all payees (rather than calculating a different rate for all payees), override the formula PRO FM TX CHARGES by indicating in the override the rate you want to apply.

The calculation involves two formulas. PRO FM EC CP+CHARG produces the paid vacation accruals for the current year and PRO FM EP CP+CHARG calculates paid vacation accruals for the previous three years.